Stick to 坚持

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Stick to something 坚持 ,固守一些事

We can do anything we want as we stick to it long enough.  只要我们能够坚持下去,可以做任何事情。

I had stuck to the point when I talked to him.在我和他对谈的时候我坚持我的观点。  

Please stick to your position if you are asked to express your opinion.如果有人请你表示意见,请你固守你的立场!


stick to someone! 忠诚的厮守在一起


My wife always sticks to me no matter what may happen.无论发生什么事情,我太太总是对我忠心耿耿,毫无怨言。

The couple have stuck to each other for years. 


负面: 这对夫妻无奈地相守多年。

Stick to learn, learn to stick. 

坚持学习, 学习坚持。

