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過母親節,弟弟寫了一篇讚媽媽的小文。 很真實,很有觀察力,把我和老公逗得哈哈笑。

My mom is the best because she is caring, joyful, jolly, happy all the time, and always puts a smile on her face.  

She loves reading with me, and it doesn't matter to her if it's a good book or a bad book that she doesn't like.  Because she's reading an alien book with me, and when she started, my mom said, "I don't like aliens."; but now she really wants to read it!

My mom likes to bike with my family too, and we go really far from our house.

My mom always cheers me up, and she's very calm.  When my mom cuts herself, she never panics, but my dad does even when it's not him!  Me and my sister do too but not as much.  My mom just stays normal like nothing happened, and she's very brave.  



lepton 发表评论于
回复 'Joanlulu' 的评论 : 啊呀,男人啊,都是爱乱紧张的啦。你家小弟好可爱啊,不过geeze在我家是不准讲的字呢。
Joanlulu 发表评论于
看到切傷手那段我笑死哈!我喜歡做飯但是很clumsy,有時候會切傷手,我們家也是我見怪不怪,而一屋子大小男人哇哇亂緊張。我們家一歲的弟弟最近學會說," oh geeze..." 就是我上次割傷手指的時候他學會的。。。lol
lepton 发表评论于
回复 'DayDreamGirl' 的评论 : 字很醜啦。不過媽媽還是把這卡片當寶貝收起來啦。
DayDreamGirl 发表评论于
lepton 发表评论于
回复 '小圆饼' 的评论 : I try. I'm so blessed. He's a really sweet boy.
小圆饼 发表评论于
So cute! You are a good Mom.
fuelinjector 发表评论于
de rkk
lepton 发表评论于
回复 'polebear' 的评论 : Isn't he a total sweetheart?
polebear 发表评论于
So sweet! I love to read all your articles!