I don't know if you can tell which is real Trump by his inconsistent statements - so controdictive that no clue, being not responsible for his message to the voters - How can you trust a guy 朝令夕改, 哪句是真,哪句是假 like that ? He says something, and later on change to another direction. Hey, can you run a country like that?
Hey, some said he said whatever he wanted to win the primary race. Now, he's the only, so he'll act PREDENTIAL. Really, read the following - see any pattern? Say mo, Say mo, old Donald Trump:
"This is my oath to you. Wherever you go, just always remember. You're never alone, we're birds of a feather. And we'll never change, no matter the weather."
YOu think a guy with such huge ego will change for being your President? A guy who never knew an ordinary life gives a damn about the public, suddenly keeping you in his kind heart? Kidding me?
Heckuva risk, worse than a roll of dice - a dice at least you got one out of six faces, but with Trump, you got million faces.
If you want to trust someone of 朝令夕改 like Trump, suck it up! Just enjoy your own interpretation of his policy ideas toward your own dreams , loving his unpredictable flexibility. But do read on for your own good to prepare for your heart breaking -
Washington (CNN) Donald Trump clarified Monday that he doesn't plan to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans in the aggregate, despite seemingly saying so during interviews aired Sunday.
“NAFTA was signed by Bill Clinton. NAFTA has been a catastrophe, an absolute catastrophe for our country.” —Donald Trump, interview with Bret Baier of Fox News, May 6, 2016.
JANESVILLE, Wis. - House Speaker Paul Ryan said Monday that if Donald Trump wants him to step down as a co-chairman of the GOP convention, he will respect his wishes.
Washington Post
- 10 hours ago
“NAFTA was signed by Bill Clinton. NAFTA has been a catastrophe, an absolute catastrophe for our country.” —Donald Trump, interview with Bret Baier of Fox News, May 6, 2016.