Trump: 刑不上大夫 ,禮不下庶人 (read below) - 刑不上大夫 ,禮不下庶人」就是不公平的根源.
You can't expect Trump helps the poor as he's part of big boy club/Wall Street tycoon - he's taken huge loans for his business - not realistically believe what he claimed during the GOP Primary "take on the rich" - you can dream about.
Neither do I support take on the rich; nor do I think work only for the poor - rather the socieity needs to come together to solve their issues. Thus, I believe election is about issues, of different groups, of ethical interest, of the poor, and of the rich - that's a democratic process, holding your own self-respect and repect the other's right.
It's the issue - policy ideas - that's politics about. Don't scream about, if you got a solid plan, voters will follow you - SOLID planning the voters deserve.
禁止穆斯林入境美国 川普:伦敦新市长可例外(图)
「纽约时报」(NewYork Times)报导,呼吁美国暂时禁止穆斯林入境的共和党总统参选人川普(Donald Trump)今天表示,他会让伦敦新选出的穆斯林市长享有例外。
路透社报导,被问及他的主张适不适用??在伦敦新市长沙迪克汗(Sadiq Khan)身上,纽时引用这位地产大亨的话说:「事情总会有所例外」。
neoreturn 发表评论于
London Mayor Sadiq Khan slams Donald Trump's 'ignorant' take on Islam
(31 Videos)
London (CNN)The new mayor of London is criticizing Donald Trump's stance on Islam, describing it as "ignorant" and warning it could make both the UK and the U.S. "less safe."