In his books, he wrote "publicity, good or bad, scandal or blame, all makes money!" - His money-making machine. He creates dramatic acts or stories, capturing the readers. He's good at manipulating the media, the public, the voters. He's a genius in a world he creates. He's another Obama's trick, keeping creating dramas - you just follow, to criticize, to react, to yell, to scream, to cry, to cheer, to dream - but, he laughs at a distance.
He plays people! Wake up! Super smart, elites, if no good heart, dangerous!
The devil is in the detail: If you can't dive/boogle down in depth, you'd never see the root, a guy insecure about his wealth, his sexuality, his name, his family, - he never stops bragging about - he wanna tell you how great, how big his manhood even with small hands - all rooted in love of his own life.
So absurd that some Hardcore fans rush in defending his behaviors - exactly what's he wants! He stirs up the water for his own gain. That's is his conspiracy - you fall right into his trap. Be aware of smart people!
Monday, May 16, 2016 08:38 AM PDT
Why Trump’s fake publicist act matters: It proves he’s exactly the weirdo and liar we all suspected he was
Trump's fake publicist stunt is the scandal we've been waiting for, one that confirm he is the monster you thought
Topics: Donald Trump, Elections 2016, john barron, john miller, trump ego, trump narcissist, trump publicist, trump scandal, Elections News, Media News, News, Politics News
On Friday, the already off-the-charts bizarre Donald Trump campaign took a turn for the even weirder after two Washington Post journalists, Marc Fisher and Will Hobson, published a report about Trump’s long history of posing as his own publicist, often for no other purpose but to brag about his sex life. Or, in many cases, his imaginary sex life, as Trump, posing as “John Miller,” would try to convince reporters that Madonna wanted to have sex with him.
The story immediately took off. “Saturday Night Live” referenced it in a skit. John Oliver, in response to Trump’s denials that he did this, invited “John Miller” to be on “Last Week Tonight”, to prove that he is real.
“It’s an open invitation,” Oliver said, “so please come on by, John Miller, there’s literally nothing stopping you other than the fact you obviously don’t exist.”
The story is confounding, but also silly, and unsurprisingly, there were objections to the fact that this is the thing that people are making a big deal about.
To be entirely fair, there has been extensive coverage of Trump’s violent impulses, racism and misogyny. Over the weekend, The New York Times published a lengthy piece detailing the way that Trump is incapable of interacting with women without putting them down and obsessing over their bodies. His racism is so well-covered that there are reports that schoolchildren on playgrounds are conflicting over it. It’s the main reason that most pundits are confident that Trump will lose in November.
But Millhiser is right that this entire episode reads more like a bona fide scandal than previous incidents where he called Mexican immigrants rapists or proposed banning Muslims from traveling to the U.S. or threw winking encouragement to his supporters to get violent with political opponents. That’s because political scandals, for better or worse, rarely take off because of substantive reasons, but for structural ones: They yank us out of the politics-as-usual frame and leave the candidates exposed in a way that is very difficult for even the most experienced public relations department to deal with.
So why is this revelation that Trump pretended to be his own publicist more of a scandal than his obnoxious views or his eagerness to provoke violence?
1) The best political scandals appear to confirm something people always suspected about a politician, but previously couldn’t prove. The talking point about how 47% of Americans are supposedly mooches who live off the largess of the taxpaying 53% is a lie that’s been kicked around in conservative circles for a long time now. So why did it turn into a major scandal when Mitt Romney was caught on camera spouting this nonsense for wealthy donors?
It wasn’t because it was a lie. Romney mostly got a pass for parroting other conservative falsehoods about things like climate change and gun control, because everyone has gotten so used to conservatives lying that it hardly constitutes a scandal anymore.
No, the reason is that many Americans suspected that Romney’s veneer of compassion was just an act, and that deep down inside, the man was a blue blood who has nothing but disdain for ordinary people who are struggling to get by. The 47% video took this belief out of the realm of speculation and turned it into fact, which is why it had so much emotional resonance.
Trump’s fake publicist act has a similar vibe to it. Many of us have long assumed that Trump’s belligerence isn’t the sign of confidence, as he would have us believe, but instead a paper-thin cover for what is, in fact, his overwhelming insecurity. Pretending to be his own publicist in a pathetic bid to trick people into thinking he’s more sexually desirable than he clearly is? That’s the wealthy man’s version of a high school nerd telling everyone he has a Canadian girlfriend he met in summer camp. There’s no need to speculate anymore about Trump having severe emotional issues that lead him to act out the way he does. We now know it, beyond any shadow of a doubt.