Old Navy released an ad with an image of a smiling interracial family wearing their clothes on Friday and some people — shall we call them trolls? — freaked out.
Many lambasted the San Francisco-based company for showing a mixed race family. Most of the haters threatened to never step foot in the retail store known for its cheap stylish clothing again.
Amid all the hate, there was some love.
Grace Mahary, the woman featured in the ad, tweeted a response writing: "In light of the controversy revolving around my pretend family . . . I am proud to be representing interracial love, multiculturalism, and most importantly, a mentality that supports opportunity for all ethnicities. Thanks @oldnavy"
Also, scores of people in interracial marriages responded with photographs of their own families.
We still have a long ways to go people.
This is where it all came from. Mr. Obama won in 2008 and that turned some folks bat $%^& crazy. Their world was ending as they knew it and all that drivel ( eye roll).
So now we have polarization on all levels thanks to Mr. McConnell and his Inauguaration Ball meeting where they plotted to do absolutely nothing to help fix the mess that they helped to make.
This has liberal attempt to "make news" all of over it.