20160517 图书馆


Hey how are you?

  I'm good. Thanks.

Me too!

  I'm leaving to home.



  7:50pm Are you coming tonight?

Sorry not tonight. But we'll have the rest of the week :-)

  I have to walk back then :-(

Walk from where?

  Far from home

Need rescuing?

  ;-) I'm just kidding. I'm at the library downtown.

Ok funny!

  Reading here.

Nice! Enjoy a quiet night. I'll make sure you scream tomorrow.

(15 minutes after) So what are you reading in the library?

  A chinese book.

They have them there? What section? You still there?

  Yes I am here.

Didn't know they had a chinese section.

  World language. They are closing now.

发完这条短信我就把书放回原位,往外走,迎面看到他站的面前,一位图书管理员正在告诉他这里就是中文书的section。他得意地笑着,抱过我来亲亲,说Surprise?路上他说看到我那个瞬间的表情,他好高兴,It's worth it. 他说晚上等朋友的时候没事做,买了东西给我,我猜不到,原来他看我搬回来到现在,一直没有把东西找出来,就买了十六件的一套餐具和一套叉子给我。
