剛剛問了小朋友,其實他們去年才去過法國,一聽爸爸想搬家,兩個小朋友都把頭搖得像波浪鼓,不要不要。 我很想支持老公,但也覺得現在一切都這麼順利,要中斷這裡的事業學業社區朋友一整年,實在有夠捨不得。 還有,明年老公就滿四十歲了,該不會是中年危機吧? 可是老公說,“I want to give you guys the best.” 结婚那天我信誓旦旦说什么都要听他的,难道现在真的到考验的时刻了?
That's my dream too, but my husband is hesitant. The Tiger mom Amy Chua mentioned that her family moved to Germany for one year when she was 15. None of them spoke German and her parents sent all the kids to a public school. She thought her parents were crazy, but it turned out to be the best year of her life. I am hoping to provide a similar experience to my kids.