
相信这样的数据面前FED是不会一意孤行地在六月加息,周五盘中的表现就是MM的具体行动。我的观察和展望是:utilities and staples会 perform well but financials will be under pressure. 

当然在这种情况下,这样的坏消息可能是好消息。美股近期大跌(>5%的调整)的可能性比较小,小调整会有的。有了这样的大格局,抱紧好公司也许是不错的选择。当然最近一年来 day trading所创造的机会是前所未有的。

明天又是一个充满机会的一天,are you ready to fight?加油

附上周五的NFP report:

May Job Report - Lagging but disappointing number:

- Nonfarm Payroll +38,000 vs. +158,000 estimate
- Prior month revised lower to +123,000 vs. +160,000
- Private Payrolls +25,000 vs. +150,000 estimate
- Unemployment Rate 4.7% vs. 4.9% estimate
- Participation Rate 62.6% vs. 62.8% prior month
- Average Hourly Earnings +0.2% vs. +0.2% estimate
- Average Workweek 34.4 hours vs. 34.5 hours estimate
