Different heights, look at the problem is not the same
Zhiwei Zheng(a famerous short movie star) went to visit Yao Ming, Yao Ming's house door is super high according to her height, therefore door cat eye is higher too.
He knocked on the door several times and no one response, and he thought Yao was not at home, and then left. The next day he saw listless Yao Ming, asked where he went to last night. Yao mysterious said: Last night my house seemed like a haunted house, people have been knocking at the door, but I didn't see anyone from the cat eye from my door, I was so scared and couldn't sleep all night.
Zhiwei Zheng(a famerous short movie star) went to visit Yao Ming, Yao Ming's house door is super high according to her height, therefore door cat eye is higher too.
He knocked on the door several times and no one response, and he thought Yao was not at home, and then left. The next day he saw listless Yao Ming, asked where he went to last night. Yao mysterious said: Last night my house seemed like a haunted house, people have been knocking at the door, but I didn't see anyone from the cat eye from my door, I was so scared and couldn't sleep all night.

Misunderstandings are generally caused by different position, for example, here the height for both of them is different, the angle of thinking is not the same. So, in order to avoid to misunderstand, do not suck on one's only position. Today, if there is some misunderstand between you and others, because you both don't stand on each other's position.