6.30 trading diary

average down for medium return, by skills/intuition
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gave back all the money made on UVXY, lol

added 300 adp short, got trapped.

sold all AAPL, half GOOG, 300 PTR, 4000 JASO.

bought back 2000 UCO, 300 JPM, 1000 DAL, 1800 MACY, 500 FSLR.

market can go either direction, but could be pig for a while until after July 4th.

Today originally seems to be the end of run but MM using AAPL to stabilize the market according to my obervation.

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again sold all Macy's.
also sold all JASO, but bought FSLR and now have 4000 shares.
bought more UCO and now have 5000 shares.
bought back DAL and now have 2500 shares.
no changes on other positions.