前阵子做娘惹粽 的时候好些朋友问我娘惹粽漂亮的蓝色是怎么来的。它是用天然色素蝶豆花染的,出来的效果非常好。蝶豆花是个健康保健的好东西、有抗氧化、提升脑力、护发、提高抵抗力的效果。
When I made Nyonya dumplings not long ago, many friends asked me about the blue coloring I used to dye the rice. It is from blue pea flower/butterfly pea flower, it is a natural food coloring with a lot of health benefits.
According to Wikipedia:
Clitoria ternatea, common names including butterfly pea, blue pea, Aprajita, Cordofan pea and Asian pigeonwings, is a plant species belonging to the Fabaceae family.
......Names in other languages include bunga telang (Malay), ?????? `anchan (Thai), ??u bi?c (Vietnamese), ???????? Aparajita in Hindi and 蝶豆 dié dòu (Mandarin Chinese), 'Sankhu Poolu/Sankham Poolu' in Telugu, "Shankupushpam" in Malayalam language and ???????? (Aparajita) in Bengali.
In Thailand, a syrupy blue drink is made called nam dok anchan (????????????), it is sometimes consumed with a drop of sweet lime juice to increase acidity and turn the juice into pink-purple.
10-12 朵 新鲜或干的蝶豆花
1 + 4 杯 饮用水
2-3 大勺 蜂蜜
1/2 小勺 青柠/柠檬汁
10-12 dried or fresh blue pea flowers
1 + 4 cups of drinking water
2-3 tbsp of honey
1/2 tsp lime/lemon juice
1. 在一口小锅里煮滚一杯水,把蝶豆花加入加盖泡12-15分钟。过滤后把蝶豆花取出丢弃。
2. 加入蜂蜜和剩下的饮用水,搅拌匀即可。
10-12 dried or fresh blue pea flowers
1 + 4 cups of drinking water
2-3 tbsp of honey
1/2 tsp lime/lemon juice

1. 在一口小锅里煮滚一杯水,把蝶豆花加入加盖泡12-15分钟。过滤后把蝶豆花取出丢弃。
2. 加入蜂蜜和剩下的饮用水,搅拌匀即可。
1. Bring 1 cup water to boil and steep the dried blue pea flowers for 12-15 minutes. Strain the liquid and discard the flowers.
2. Add honey and remaining water, stir well and serve.

3. 也可以加入几滴的柠檬/青柠汁饮用,不仅能增加风味,还可以调整饮料的酸碱度,让原来好看的蓝色马上变成紫色哦!
3. You can also add a few drops of lime/lemon juice into the drink, it will change the PH level and turn the drink into purple color instantly.
Healthy and beautiful in color, good to serve and surprise your guests!