If you're white, my dad is for you; if you're black, my dad is for you; if you're illegal immigrants, my dad is for you; if you're minority, my dad is for you? if you're vets, my dad is for you...my dad's eyes, my dad, my, my, my, ...
the echo around the air from Eric Trump speech sounds so weird to me, 感毛骨聳然! No wall now? for illegal? for blacks? Does he mean anything by saying these? If he means, what's his specific plan? political rhetoric? fooling us?
Then, I thought that's right, that movie "penguine" said so. Little kids say all the time.
Is it that all about my, my, my? Suddenly, I got fresh eyes looking at today's headlines:
Yes. That's it. Trumps about their mys - Dad, sons, daughters about their super dad. Ted Cruz? Ted's not "in the habit" of backing politicians who attack his family. I don't like his agenda, but cleary he's get his footholes - historically, he'll be remembered - said something against such crowd, got boos - proven he's his own man - I respect that spirit of freedom, free to speak. Unlike Newt Gingrich, Ben Carson, Chris Christtie, no spine, fense seater. You got the point! If no standard, no moral code, what the heck can you talk? Nothing left. Your word is your bone - Melania Trump copied Michelle Obama; however, Trumps didn't get that bone for the public as they claim, but for their own business, hijacking the nation for their gain. If otherwise, they'd have a specific workable plan - where is their plan for you and me?
Ted stands alone, standing in history with his principled speech, articulating well about what is that conservative about. So, Don Trump, Jr. said to MSNBC this morning, I gave him money before, no support money for Ted Cruz from now on as Ted's not worthy, not loyal - You got that point? Trumps bought the influence before - now, they came to front playing you -
Who else? Yes, you? Who the heck you're? Why are you here to pump up adrenaline? What's you fight for? What's in it for you? In IT? Name the specific!
"none of your business!" Who said that? Read a level-headed reality check, copied below:
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Ted Cruz is the toast of the town, or he would be if Nevertrumpville incorporated. “Cruz Makes a Principled, Righteous Gamble” reads the headline of a piece by the Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes.