宝宝写道:“Good afternoon mommy. Thank you for cooking very yummy food for me. Mommy, remember what I said last night not to print any heartbeat mats?”(宝宝在感谢妈妈一大早起床给宝宝准备的丰盛午餐。宝宝还提醒妈妈昨晚他已经交代妈妈不用再给他打印作为作曲之用的心型的符号。)
妈妈给宝宝回复:“Good afternoon my adorable son. My pleasure. Yes. I remember. Hug and Kiss. ”妈妈在最后加一个笑脸。
宝宝接着又发来短信:“Mommy, can you print some notes please? Thank you.”(宝宝在练习作曲,他需要妈妈打印各种音符他好摆放在心型符号之上。)
妈妈回复宝宝:“Ok. What kinds of notes do you want?”
宝宝“指示”妈妈:“Quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, and half notes. Mommy, if I have any notes that I missed, print them without me telling you.”(嘿,小子,说话这么大气啊?!)
妈妈又好气又好笑,给宝宝冠一个昵称吧:“Ok. My sweet note.” 妈妈加了一个很调皮的笑脸。
宝宝抗议:“Mommy, I’m not a note!”
妈妈哈哈大笑,赶紧安抚一下:“Just joking.”再加两个可爱的笑脸。
呵呵,小宝宝你就是爸爸妈妈的note。从一个小小的Quarter note,长成一个独立的小人儿Eighth note。哦,愿快乐的音符伴随我的宝宝健康成长,我的小note!