夏天是甜玉米盛产的季节, 非常甜美多汁。上周我家附近的农夫市场促销玉米,我买了一大包,回来用几根做了这款玉米汁,冰箱里冰起来喝。俊宝很爱吃玉米,对这款玉米汁也赞不绝口哦!
Sweet,juicy local grown corn is one of the benefits of living in NJ, we loved it grilled, buttered or steamed. Last week the local farmers market had a promotion on sweet corn, I brought a big bag of it and make this very refreshing corn milk.
My son A is a corn lover. He fell for this corn milk instantly, he said : " I like it mommy!"
2-3 根 甜玉米
1500 ml 饮用水
适量 冰糖
2-3 Sweet corn
1500 ml water
Rock sugar to taste

1. 把玉米去壳去须,洗净蒸十分钟。
2. 取利刀把玉米肉剃下来, 加水搅拌后过滤到锅里,煮滚加冰糖调味即可。
1. Remove husks and silks of the corn, then clean and steam the corn for 10 minutes.
2. Use a knife and cut the kernels off the cob.
3. Blend the kernels with water until smooth, sieve the milk and boil the milk with rock sugar.
Serve hot or cold
