Eric Trump: to expensive \'made in USA\'

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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So low level of unforeced error: Whey didn't father-son talk it over before going to the public? Or lack of common sense or decency?
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Eric Trump says father apologized to Khans (but he hasn't)

CNN  - ‎3 hours ago‎
(CNN) Eric Trump defended his father Tuesday from criticism for his treatment of the family of a slain Muslim US soldier and said that he had already apologized to the Khans and Gold Star families -- despite the fact that the senior Trump has pointedly ...
Donald Trump is bringing down the GOP with him. They did this to themselves.
LikeReply8114 hrsEdited

Wayne Maynard
Yea, even the Trump spawn couldn't stop the fall. It's kind of hard to look at Ivanka and thinking about how her jiz donor would pork her if he weren't married. Why would that stop him? Didn't previously.
LikeReply1814 hrs
Ch Hoffman ·
all she needs to do is re-affirm the case that she's not a lunatic like Agent Orange
LikeReply7315 hrs
Bill Monroe ·
You love Liars.
LikeReply114 hrs
Dan Cline
Bill Monroe - So what's it like being a Soviet sympathizer?
LikeReply7214 hrs
David Kent
Bill Monroe

Goodness Bill. Drumpf DOMINATES Clinton (and every other politician alive today) when it comes to lying. Example: What did you think of Drumpf fabricating that letter from the NFL complaining about the debate schedule? There was no such letter, so Drumpf created it during an interview.

Let's hear it: What about that?

Drumpf: Inveterate liar. MUCH worse than Hillary.
LikeReply7814 hrs
Roy L Ellis
Dan Cline prove you "soviet sympathizer" crap, boy
LikeReply14 hrs
Daniel Munoz ·
Roy L Ellis "I have a relationship with Putin" followed by his word salad response on Sunday where he asked for a defintion of what "realtionship" means. Make America Great Again
LikeReply1914 hrs
Mark Pompelia ·
Bill Monroe you love frauds?
LikeReply914 hrs
Robert Townsend ·
Bill Monroe And what would you call Donald Trump. Putin, Ukraine, NFL letter, Bloomberg, cant release taxes becuase of audit, OMG, there are so many lies. if you support Trump you should never refer to Hill as a liar again .
LikeReply2414 hrs
Dan Cline
Roy L Ellis - Pick up your "boys' elsewhere, you pedophile pervert.
LikeReply1714 hrs
Barbara Barlow
Bill Monroe , So I guess she must be over the top in love with Trump
LikeReply114 hrs
Nathan Newman ·
Bill Monroe Nahh we love America. You love hate.
LikeReply1314 hrs
Elizabeth Chubbuck
Dan Cline LOL I have him blocked, I see someone else caught on to his preoccupation with "boys"
LikeReply714 hrs
Lynne Polelle ·
David Kent

" I never heard of David Duke
"Hundreds of thousands of illegal Mexicans swarm across our borders every day"
"This is John Miller and I'm going to tell you the real story about Marla Maples"
"Tht isn't me on those tapes"
"Crime rates in America are soaring every year"
"*I am the author of "The Art of the Deal ""
"The Federal Government won't let me release my tax returns because I'm being audited"
"I saw hundreds and thousands of Muslims partying and cheering from the rooftops on 9/11"

That's a sherriff's star"
"The Koch Brothers called and begged for a meeting but I turned them down"
"Putin will never set foot in Ukraine"
"The NFL is complaining to me about the debate schedule"
LikeReply2013 hrs
Cheryl Onstad
Bill Monroe Says the Trump supporter. Where is the NFL letter? Who changed the Republican platform on the Ukraine? Who had a good relationship with Putin and then said he doesn't know him from Adam?
LikeReply913 hrs
Eric Vaughn ·
Bill Monroe You do too. I don't know how folks on the right can throw out the liar card lightly like Trump has been this truthful person. Every day this guys lies. EVERY DAY! I don't get it. he just lied about the NFL sending him a letter. He lies all the time. Things he says then he says he didn't say it when we have the video tape. Even lies about his support for the Iraq war when he was for it first. Not sure what world you folks on the right are living in...
LikeReply1013 hrs
Ron Winer
Never in my memory has there been such a clear case of competency vs total
disqualification than in this upcoming election. The Trump candidacy is a disgrace to the Republican Party.
LikeReply1113 hrs
Gail Ryan
Bill Monroe you are a DemoCRAP Liar..go home to mommy and play with your Barry Sotero dolly. You are just another DemoRAT troll being paid by the Liar LOCK HER UP hag!!!

TRUMP 2016!!!!
LikeReply13 hrs
Joe Lazar ·
Bill Monroe And you love racist, xenophobic con artists. Oh, and liars, too, since Trump's a bigger liar than Hillary.
LikeReply613 hrs
Sam Dee
Lynne Polelle . you left out:

nfl sent me a letter about debate schedule

Russia is not in Ukraine

melania is a college graduate

more to come
LikeReply613 hrs
Justus Meyer ·
Works at Mccoy & Meyer
Bill Monroe never heard a single piece of truth out of trump
LikeReply513 hrs
David J. Myers ·
David Kent - Doofus Trump lies everytime he opens his pie hole...
LikeReply112 hrs
Sandra Wise ·
Daniel Munoz the material for the caps are made overseas, the stiching of them is done in the USA. When Eric Trump was asked about bringing their businesses back to the US, he stated to the effect that it was too expensive. So Trump will bring back industries from foreign countries just not his. Will he impose a tariff on his goods?

You peole are fools if you think he will bring back industries who hgave moved overseas, and the COAL JOBS are NOT coming back, not ever. They've been declining since the 1950s-60s.

Gallup: Trump support tumbles after conventions

In the wake of the Republican and Democratic national conventions, voters are more likely to support Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.

While 36 percent of adults are more likely to support Trump coming out of the GOP’s four-day event, 51 percent are less likely to vote for the real estate mogul afterit. The minus-15 net rating is the worst mark for the Republican nominee coming out of the party’s convention since Gallup began asking the question in 1984, though the 1984 and 1992 GOP conventions were excluded.

Story Continued Below

Last month’s Republican convention, however, is the only time respondents were overall less likely to vote for the candidate who was nominated. Previous lows for the Republican nominee were plus-2 with Mitt Romney in 2012 and plus-3 with President George W. Bush in 2004.

The convention has also shaped the views of the Republican Party. Fifty-two percent of those surveyed said they have a less favorable view of the GOP now, while 35 percent see the party more favorably.

After the Democratic convention, 45 percent of adults said they were more likely to back Clinton, though 41 percent said they’re now less likely to do so. While the percentage of respondents more inclined to vote for Clinton coming out of the convention is on par for Democratic nominees over the past two decades, the 41 percent who are less likely to vote for Clinton represents the highest mark since 1984.

Respondents were split on how the convention affected their overall view of the Democratic Party: Forty-four percent have a more favorable opinion of the party, while 42 percent see it less favorably.

Along party lines, 81 percent of Democrats and those who lean Democratic — and 8 percent of Republicans and GOP leaners — said they were more likely to back Clinton after the Democratic convention. But only 73 percent of Republicans and leaners — and just 2 percent of Democrats — are more likely to vote for Trump coming out of the Republican convention.

Trump thanked “everyone for the wonderful reviews” of his speech and slammed Clinton’s “very long and very boring speech.” But Gallup’s results suggest the billionaire’s remarks were the worst-received in the past 20 years.

The response to Trump’s acceptance speech yielded similar results on opposite ends of the spectrum. While 18 percent said his speech was just OK, 35 percent thought it was excellent or good — the lowest percentage since ’96 — and 36 percent thought it was poor or terrible — the highest percentage since '96.

Forty-four percent of respondents said Clinton’s speech accepting her historic nomination was excellent or good. Two-in-10 said it was poor or terrible, and 17 percent thought it was just OK.

The Gallup poll of 1,000 adults was conducted July 23-24 and July 29-30, immediately after each convention, via landlines and cellphones. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

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TJKCB 发表评论于
鄧公 地精髓是 改革開放, trump 是閉關鎖國, 排斥異族。 -三竹斋-
TJKCB 发表评论于
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? 克林顿时期可能是美国最繁荣的时期。那时候好像根本就没有失业率的问题。 -薛成- ♂ 给 薛成 发送悄悄话 薛成 的博客首页 薛成 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (9 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 13:56:56

? 泡沫破时的惨状不少人也都经历过. -joytiggers- ♀ 给 joytiggers 发送悄悄话 joytiggers 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 14:00:22

? 泡沫破时美国还没有伤筋动骨,真正使美国伤筋动骨的是伊拉克和阿富汗两场战争,把国家消耗空了。希拉里再搞什么战略东移,想遏制中国, -薛成- ♂ 给 薛成 发送悄悄话 薛成 的博客首页 薛成 的个人群组 (110 bytes) (45 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 14:09:13

? 真正伤筋动骨的是房地产泡沫,金融危机,和现在的过度流动性 -tibuko- ♂ 给 tibuko 发送悄悄话 tibuko 的博客首页 tibuko 的个人群组 (158 bytes) (33 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 14:41:33

? 次贷的祸根在克氏第二任就种下了,政府大力推动的低收入人口少数民族人口拥房率,是次贷的源头,后来银管的放松不过加了把柴!! -FastTurtle- ♂ 给 FastTurtle 发送悄悄话 FastTurtle 的博客首页 FastTurtle 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (7 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 15:37:18

? 任何政策走过头就错了。高大上的人权不就是因为走过头了而被抵制了吗?穆斯林和同性恋都有人权,可是影响到别人的人权就不对了。 -薛成- ♂ 给 薛成 发送悄悄话 薛成 的博客首页 薛成 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 15:51:16

? 虽然这是个愚蠢的政策,但不会造成金融危机。金融危机的根本原因是agency problem。但美国的问题是easy money。 -tibuko- ♂ 给 tibuko 发送悄悄话 tibuko 的博客首页 tibuko 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (7 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 15:51:30

? What do you mean'agency problem'? 据我所知是次贷。但愿闻其祥'agency problem' -k467- ♀ 给 k467 发送悄悄话 k467 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 17:51:10

? 就是拿着别人的钱忽悠 -tibuko- ♂ 给 tibuko 发送悄悄话 tibuko 的博客首页 tibuko 的个人群组 (835 bytes) (5 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 18:13:59

? 关键全美人口手中的钱,房子上多还是忽悠用的多 -Narnar- ♀ 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 Narnar 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 21:17:49

? 是的,克林顿终结了格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案,导致华尔街猛虎被放出笼子,一发不可收拾 -ecolio157h7- ♂ 给 ecolio157h7 发送悄悄话 ecolio157h7 的个人群组 (775 bytes) (27 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 15:57:52

? 是呀,富人得辟护,赤贫得免费福利,中间只有做风箱里的老鼠。 -k467- ♀ 给 k467 发送悄悄话 k467 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 08/01/2016 postreply 17:55:57
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Bill Clinton 的经济政策与经济成就


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