Reading the following news this morning, I felt released that he removed my doubt about his integrity - Trump publically announded that "I've never talked to Kasich to pick him as my VP candidate." He didn't, but his son did for him - again, I don't know who runs his campaign, his kids or he himself - so many conflicting messages out of sons/daughters - trying to fool and deceive the voters !
Out of 17 candidates, Ohio Gov. John Kasich standed out with his message of Level-headed Republican - neither too far left nor too far right (both dangerous to us the minority), closer to reality, ready to implement, with the first 100-day doable plan - of courese, including "what's in it for me!" - as minority - Why is that?
唇亡齿寒 - Immigration is a national policy, a national direction, not for any ethical groups but the cornerstone for all people - We're UNITED AMERICA. None of the rest 16 got any doable plan, except wild-fire sloans, no specifics, no substance, indicating that they're NOT SERIOUS.
That's only my observation - you're entitled to have your own - thus, don't argue with me as I don't want to argue with you. If you're so desperate, I set up a model here: state your point and back it up with verifiable facts in websites (linked) or the entire documents attached; if not,
(CNN) Ohio Gov. John Kasich still isn't ready to support Donald Trump for president -- but he confirmed that one of his aides was contacted about possibly joining the real estate mogul's ticket as his vice president.
(CNN) Ohio Gov. John Kasich still isn't ready to support Donald Trump for president -- but he confirmed that one of his aides was contacted about possibly joining the real estate mogul's ticket as his vice president.
Reagan Republican: Trump is the emperor with no clothes
By Frank Lavin
I had the honor of serving as Ronald Reagan's White House political director from 1987 to 1989, so I can claim some insight on U.S. politics. My central conclusion on the 2016 race: It might not be entirely clear that Hillary Clinton deserves to win the presidency, but it is thunderingly clear that Donald Trump deserves to lose.
From this premise, I will do something that I have not done in 40 years of voting: I will vote for the Democratic nominee for president. The depressing truth of the Republican nominee is that Donald Trump talks a great game but he is the emperor who wears no clothes.
Trump falls short in terms of the character and behavior needed to perform as president. This defect is crippling and ensures he would fail in office. Trump is a bigot, a bully, and devoid of grace or magnanimity. His thin-skinned belligerence toward every challenge, rebuke, or criticism would promise the nation a series of a high-voltage quarrels. His casual dishonesty, his policy laziness, and his lack of self-awareness would mean four years of a careening pin-ball journey that would ricochet from missteps to crisis to misunderstandings to clarifications to retractions.
This decision is not an easy one. I proudly served in every Republican administration over the past 40 years: Ambassador and Undersecretary for George W. Bush, Commerce Department official for George H. W. Bush, and several White House and State Department assignments for Ronald Reagan beyond the political director role.
I have seen presidents work with difficult people and difficult issues. It requires a blend of strategic vision and tactical flexibility, combined with optimism and good humor. A president needs the thick skin to ignore criticism and the management discipline to stay fixed on goals. Trump, on the other hand, manages to pick fights that are unrelated to his goals.
The most pronounced example in this regard was his tasteless criticism of the family of deceased Army Capt. Humayun Khan. We owe that young man our gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice. And we owe his parents our respect for the dignity with which they reproached Mr. Trump for his grotesqueries.
Less poignant is a part of the Trump story that ought to have particular resonance with Republicans: his four business bankruptcies, more than a trivial matter for a party that prides itself on thrift, sound money, and prudential management.
The bankruptcies reflect a man who either lacks reasonable business judgment or reasonable business ethics. By themselves, four bankruptcies are pretty bad. But four bankruptcies and a private jet is deplorable. How can everyone lose money in the collapse of a project yet Trump flies away again and again?
In the early days of my startup, there was a moment when I could have shut the firm, declared bankruptcy, and walked away from my obligations, but I have employees, investors, clients, and customers -- all of whom rely on my commitment. I have a moral obligation to stand by people who are standing by me. No wonder so many Americans are skeptical of market economics if the system can be so easily manipulated by Trump.
To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, one bankruptcy may be regarded as a misfortune, but four begins to look like carelessness. We can suppose that Trump has every legal right to declare bankruptcies and to walk away with millions. And voters have every legal right to vote against him for those actions.
There are many issues on which Hillary Clinton and I are not in agreement. However on the core foreign policy issues our country faces -- alliance relationships, security commitments, and international engagement -- she comes closer to Republican views than does Trump. And Donald Trump makes me cringe. I am voting for Hillary. And I vote in Ohio.
1. theact of establishing or state of beingestablished
a. a businessorganization or otherlargeinstitution
b. theplacewhere a business is carried on
3. thestaffandequipment of a commercial or otherorganization
4. (Military)theapprovedsize,composition,andequipment of a militaryunit,governmentdepartment,businessdivision,etc, as formallypromulgated
5. anylargeorganization,institution, or system
6. a household or place of residence
7. a body of employees or servants
8. (modifier) belonging to or characteristic of theEstablishment;orthodox or conservative:theestablishmentview of history.
(Sociology)theEstablishmenta group or class of peoplehavinginstitutionalauthoritywithin a society,espthosewhocontrolthecivilservice,thegovernment,thearmedforces,andtheChurch:usuallyidentifiedwith a conservativeoutlook
establishment - theact of forming or establishingsomething;"theconstitution of a PTAgrouplastyear";"itwastheestablishment of hisreputation";"hestillrememberstheorganization of theclub"
federation - theact of constituting a politicalunityout of a number of separatestates or colonies or provinces so thateachmemberretainsthemanagement of itsinternalaffairs
issuer - an institutionthatissuessomething(securities or publications or currencyetc.)
charity - an institutionset up to providehelp to theneedy
company - an institutioncreated to conductbusiness;"heonlyinvests in largewell-establishedcompanies";"hestartedthecompany in hisgarage"
organized religion, religion, faith - an institution to expressbelief in a divinepower;"hewasraised in theBaptistreligion"; "a member of hisownfaithcontradictedhim"
vicariate, vicarship - thereligiousinstitutionundertheauthority of a vicar
establishment - thepersons(orcommittees or departmentsetc.)whomake up a bodyforthepurpose of administeringsomething;"heclaimsthatthepresentadministration is corrupt";"thegovernance of an association is responsible to itsmembers";"hequicklybecamerecognized as a member of theestablishment"
body - a group of personsassociated by somecommontie or occupationandregarded as an entity;"thewholebodyfiledout of theauditorium";"thestudentbody";"administrativebody"
authorities, government, regime - theorganizationthat is thegoverningauthority of a politicalunit;"thegovernmentreducedtaxes";"thematterwasreferred to higherauthorities"
phrontistery - an establishmentforstudyandlearning(sometimesincludingmodernuniversities)
business establishment, place of business - an establishment (a factory or an assemblyplant or retailstore or warehouseetc.)wherebusiness is conducted,goodsaremade or stored or processed or whereservicesarerendered
poorhouse - an establishmentmaintained at publicexpense in order to providehousingforthepoorandhomeless
school system - establishmentincludingtheplantandequipmentforprovidingeducationfromkindergartenthroughhighschool
structure, construction - a thingconstructed; a complexentityconstructed of manyparts;"thestructureconsisted of a series of arches";"sheworeherhair in an amazingconstruction of whirlsandribbons"
university - establishmentwhere a seat of higherlearning is housed,includingadministrativeandlivingquarters as well as facilitiesforresearchandteaching
natural action, natural process, action, activity - a processexisting in or produced by nature(ratherthan by theintent of humanbeings);"theaction of naturalforces";"volcanicactivity"
establishment - thecognitiveprocess of establishing a validproof
theEstablishmenttheauthorities, thesystem, the powers that be, therulingclass, theestablishedorder, institutionalizedauthoritytherevolutionagainsttheEstablishment
En el Reino Unido el término Establishment hace referencia a la clase dirigente, es decir, al Gobierno, los altos cargos de la Administración pública, la Iglesia, las Fuerzas Armadas y a otras personas en puestos de influencia. Por lo general, se piensa que esta clase dirigente apoya el status quo tanto a nivel político como cultural o social.
En Estados Unidos, el Establishment se asocia sobre todo con Washington, donde se encuentra el gobierno federal, y en concreto con aquellos que estudiaron en universidades del noreste, especialmente Yale y Harvard.
b. (business) → azienda (Admin, Mil, Naut) (personnel) → effettivo
a teaching establishment → un istituto d'istruzione
the Establishment → la classedirigente, l'establishment m inv
the values of the Establishment → i valoritradizionali
the cultural Establishment → l'establishment culturale
1. to settle firmly in a position (eg a job, business etc). He established himself (in business) as a jeweller. vestig ????????? ???????? установявам estabelecer(-se) etablovat se sich niederlassen grundlægge; oprette; etablere καθιερ?νω, καθιερ?νομαιestablecer (kellenagi) tunnustust leidma ?? ???????? ???? ??? ???? vakiinnuttaa établir ???????? ??????? ???? afirmirati, dokazati elhelyezkedik memantapkan koma sér fyrir í stabilire (地位に) つかせる ??? ?? ?tvirtinti iekārtot; iekārtoties; nostiprināt (savu stāvokli) memantapkan vestigenetablere, befeste, innrette wyrobi? pozycj? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ???: ?? ?? ???? ???: ?????? ????? ???? ??? (??): ??? ????? ??? ???? ???: ????? ??? (??? ?? ??) estabelecer a se consacra устраивать usadi? sa, zariadi? sa uveljaviti dokazati se etablera ??????? girmek, at?lmak 確立 влаштовуватися ???? ????? c?ng c? 确立
2. to found; to set up (eg a university, a business). How long has the firm been established? stig, tot stand bring ????????? ?????? ??????? създавам estabelecer z?ídit gründen grundlægge; oprette; etablere ιδρ?ω, στ?νωfundar asutama ????? ???? perustaa fonder ???????? ???????? ???? osnovati, utemeljiti (meg)alapít mendirikan stofna, koma á fót fondare 設立する ??(??)?? ?kurti nodibināt mendirikan oprichtengrunnlegge, stifte, opprette zak?ada? ????? estabelecer/fundar a înfiin?a учреждать zalo?i? ustanoviti osnovati upprätta, grunda, bilda ?????? kurmak 創辦,建立 засновувати; закладати ???? ???? thành l?p 创办,建立
3. to show to be true; to prove. The police established that he was guilty. staaf ???????? ????????? доказвам estabelecer dokázat feststellen påvise; bevise αποδεικν?ωprobar tuvastama ???? ???? osoittaa établir ??????? ????? ???? ustanoviti megállapít membuktikan sanna provare 立証する ???? nustatyti konstatēt/pierādīt (faktu) membuktikan vaststellenbevise, bringe på det rene, fastslå ustala? ?????? estabelecer a stabili устанавливать dokáza? dokazati ustanoviti fastställa, fastslå, bevisa ??????? saptamak, belirlemek 證實 установлювати ???? ???? ch?ng minh 证实
e?stablished adjective
settled or accepted. established customs. gevestigde ?????? ????????? ??? установен estabelecido v?itý bestehend etableret; accepteret καθιερωμ?νοςestablecido kindlakskujunenud ??????? ???? vakiintunut établi????? ???????, ??????? ustanovljen elfogadott mapan fastur; traustur; sem hefð er fyrir stabilito 確立された ???, ??? nusistov?j?s, ?sišaknij?s iesak?ojies; vispāratzīts diterima pakai gevestigdfastslått, anerkjent ustalony ?????? estabelecido consacrat укоренившийся v?itý uveljavljen proveren etablerad, vedertagen, fast ?????????????????? yerle?mi? 被認定了的;公認的 встановлений; такий, що вкор?нився ????? ??? ?ã thành l?p 被认定了的,公认的
e?stablishment noun
1. the act of establishing. stig, vestig ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????????? ??????? установяване estabelecimento z?ízení, ustavení die Gründung oprettelse; etablering ?δρυση, εγκατ?σταση, καθι?ρωση, απ?δειξηestablecimiento asutamine ???????? ????? perustaminen constitution???? ????? osnivanje, utemeljenje, osnutak létesítés pemantapan stofnun costituzione 設立 ?? ?kūrimas nodibināšana; izveidošana pemantapan vestiginggrunnlegging, opprettingza?o?enie ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ??? ??? estabelecimento consacrare установление; учреждение zalo?enie uveljavitev; ustanovitev uspostavljanje etablering, grunda, bilda, fastslå ????????? kurma, tesis etme 創辦,建立 заснування; створення ????? ???? ?? ??? s? thành l?p 确定,建立
2. an institution or organization. All employees of this establishment get a bonus at New Year. stigting ?????????? учреждение organização podnik die Einrichtung etablissement; foretagende; virksomhed ?δρυμα, οργανισμ?ςinstitución asutus ?????? ?????? instituutio établissement???? ??????, ???????? ustanova, tvrtka intézmény lembaga stofnun stabilimento 事業所 ??, ?? ?staiga, organizacija iestāde; organizācija institusi zaakvirksomhet, etablissementzak?ad, firma ?????? organização institu?ie учреждение; организация podnik ustanova institucija företag, institution, inrättning ??????; ?????? kurum, kurulu? 機關組織 установа, заклад ???????? ?? ????? ????? t? ch?c 机关组织
3. a person's residence or household. a bachelor's establishment. nedersetting ???????? ????????? дом residência domácnost der Haushalt hus κατοικ?αresidencia elamine ?????? ???? asunto ménage???? ???? ku?a, ku?anstvo háztartás tempat tinggal heimili residenza 世帯 (??, ??, ??? ?? ???) ??, ?, ?? ūkis mājoklis tempat tinggal huishoudinghusgospodarstwo ??????? residência gospod?rie хозяиство, дом domácnos? gospodinjstvo rezidencija hus, hushåll ????????? ev 家庭,住處 господарство ??? ??? nhà 家庭
the Establishment
the people and institutions that control power or are dominant in a society and stick to traditions; one of these institutions. The hippies rebelled against the Establishment; the political/literary establishment. Instelling ???????? (????????) изнситуции poder estabelecido vládnoucí t?ída das Establishment det etablerede samfund το κατεστημ?νο el sistema ladvik, ülemkiht ?????? ???? ? ????????? yhteiskunnallinen järjestelmä establishment???? ????? krugovi koji imaju vlast, visoko društvo uralkodó elit, a hatalom Penguasa il sistema (既成の)体制 ?? ?? ??, ?? ??, ?? valdantieji/privilegijuotieji sluoksniai valsts pārvalde; valdošās aprindas pihak berkuasa establishment, gevestigde orde systemet, det etablerte samfunnet ustrój spo?eczno-polityczny, establishment ? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? institu?ie истэблишмент vládne orgány, úrady a ?udia v nich vladajo? sistem, establišment vladaju?a elita det etablerade samhället, etablissemanget ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ba?takiler, egemen güçler 當權者,主流派,體制,權力機構 правляч? кола, ел?та ???? ????? ?? ?????? gi?i quy?n uy 当权派,权力机构,领导集团
? 这次选举不是Democrats vs Republicans,而是the establishment vs the rest -秋水禅- ♀ 给 秋水禅 发送悄悄话 秋水禅 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (8 reads) 08/07/2016 postreply 13:43:35
? establishment = government: Can you run a country without it? -TJKCB- ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 TJKCB 的个人群组 (477 bytes) (6 reads) 08/07/2016 postreply 14:12:36
? It is the fact. Follow the money .... -秋水禅- ♀ 给 秋水禅 发送悄悄话 秋水禅 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 08/07/2016 postreply 14:27:19
? Do you mean this money? -TJKCB- ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 TJKCB 的个人群组 (22262 bytes) (8 reads) 08/07/2016 postreply 15:14:48
? what a dummy question? yes we can, that's the change u can belie -verite- ♂ 给 verite 发送悄悄话 verite 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 08/07/2016 postreply 15:49:19
? I vote for GOP nominee. Kasich did not win nominee -baiwen- ♂ 给 baiwen 发送悄悄话 baiwen 的博客首页 baiwen 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 08/07/2016 postreply 14:15:07
? In fact he won no where except his own state where he is governo -baiwen- ♂ 给 baiwen 发送悄悄话 baiwen 的博客首页 baiwen 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 08/07/2016 postreply 14:19:08 Educating the public with right information is essential for promoting democracy.
Robert parryFrom Editor Robert Parry: We founded in 1995 as the first investigative news magazine on the Internet. The site was meant to be a home for important, well-reported stories and a challenge to the inept but dominant mainstream news media of the day.
As one of the reporters who helped expose the Iran-Contra scandal for the Associated Press in the mid-1980s, I was distressed by the silliness and propaganda that had come to pervade American journalism. I feared, too, that the decline of the U.S. press corps foreshadowed disasters that would come when journalists failed to alert the public about impending dangers.
Also by 1995, documents were emerging that put the history of the 1980s in a new and more troubling light. Yet, there were fewer and fewer media outlets interested in that history.
The memories of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush were enveloped in warm-and-fuzzy myths that represented another kind of danger: false history that could lead to mistaken political judgments in the future.
Some of our early articles reexamined important chapters of the 1980s (such as the “October Surprise” controversy from Election 1980 and evidence of Nicaraguan contra-cocaine trafficking). Other stories explored more topical crises (such as NATO’s war over Kosovo and the impeachment assault on President Bill Clinton).
Author Norman Solomon and I produced a groundbreaking series on the real story behind Colin Powell’s legend. Another of my investigations examined the remarkable story of how Rev. Sun Myung Moon became an influential player in Washington.
Working with talented freelance reporters around the world, we also undertook important historical investigations, such as how the Nazis after World War II — crossing “rat lines” from Europe to South America — contributed to the region’s bloody repression.
By 1999 and early 2000, we were looking at the reemergence of the Bush family dynasty. However, as Campaign 2000 was heating up, we ran out of money.
I was forced to make a part-time enterprise and took an editing job at Bloomberg News. One of our last stories before that break described how the news media was exaggerating Vice President Al Gore’s alleged exaggerations.
Though operating on a part-time basis, we managed to churn out a number of stories in the months before Election 2000 and kept tabs on the recount battle with stories including how Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor telegraphed her political agenda at an Election Night party and how George W. Bush dispatched thugs to Miami to intimidate vote counters.
In November 2001, we were the first to note that the big news outlets which had conducted an unofficial recount of Florida’s ballots had buried their own lead, the fact that Gore would have won Florida if all legal votes were counted.
In 2002, during the buildup to war in Iraq, we also picked up the pace, questioning the Bush administration’s case about weapons of mass destruction and criticizing the flag-waving coverage from the mainstream news media.
As Bush’s Iraq invasion was underway in March 2003, I consulted with some of my old military sources who warned of the disaster ahead. The article was entitled “Bay of Pigs Meets Black Hawk Down.”
Also in 2003, author Kevin Phillips cited the investigative work of in his seminal book on the Bush family, American Dynasty. Phillips took note of our investigative series that examined the elder George Bush’s role in Republican dirty tricks during the 1980 campaign.
To flesh out more about the Bush family’s rise to power, I left Bloomberg News in April 2004 and began work on my fourth book, Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq. It was published in late September 2004.
In fall 2004, we also resumed more frequent publication of stories at One of those articles described John Kerry’s pioneering investigation of contra-drug trafficking in the late 1980s.
In recent years, we have added the insightful writings of former CIA analysts, such as Ray McGovern, Peter Dickson and Melvin Goodman, who saw a corruption of information inside the CIA’s analytical division that paralleled the perversion of journalism that was underway in the American press corps.
We have written extensively about the U.S. media imbalance, tilted by a well-funded right-wing media machine. Indeed, a founding idea of our Web site was that a major investment was needed in journalistic endeavors committed to honestly informing the American people about important events, reporting that truly operated without fear or favor.
Regrettably, the distortion of information remains a grave problem with millions of Americans brainwashed by the waves of disinformation coming from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and the hordes of other right-wing media outlets distortions often reinforced by the careerist mainstream press.
Because of this media dynamic, many average Americans have bought into a propaganda frame that seeks fewer regulations on powerful corporations, lower taxes on the wealthy, tighter restrictions on unions, and fewer programs to help working Americans with problems ranging from educating their children to caring for the elderly.
Meanwhile, Official Washington is basing international decisions on a false narrative that excludes the real history of the past several decades. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush are hailed as honorable leaders, rather than viewed as politicians who countenanced gross abuses of power.
Even in the Age of Obama, government decisions are being made with only limited knowledge of what was really done by Republican presidents who have dominated the modern era. This ignorance represents not only a threat to a meaningful democratic republic but a danger to the world, as the “last remaining superpower” lurches about, half-blinded by its own propaganda.
While we are proud of the journalistic contribution that this Web site has made over the past 15-plus years and while we are deeply grateful to our readers whose contributions have kept us afloat we also must admit that we have not made the case well enough that our mission is a vital one.
Despite all that’s happened, including the disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan, many people still don’t understand that the fight for honest information about the past and the present is a battle for the future.
We could do much more with additional resources. If you can and wish to help, we would appreciate your donations, big or small.
You can contribute either by credit card at the Web site or by check to:
Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ)
Suite 102-231
2200 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington VA 22201
Or you can use PayPal (our account is named after our e-mail address ““).
Or, If you know someone with the means to make a large donation or someone who is involved with a public-interest foundation, contact them and urge them to consider a grant to Since 1999, we have operated as a 501-c-3 non-profit, meaning that donations can be tax-deductible. [For more information, such as our recent IRS filings and the IRS approval letter, go to “What Can Be Done.”]
We appreciate whatever help you can provide. Thanks.
Robert Parry, Editor
Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. He founded in 1995 as the Internet’s first investigative magazine. He saw it as a way to combine modern technology and old-fashioned journalism to counter the increasing triviality of the mainstream U.S. news media.
63 comments for “About”
Dbrolynt Buzbo
December 1, 2011 at 9:17 pm
Thank you for your work. I have just completed reading in Consortiumnews the damning criticism of the man and movie “J. Edgar,” and have forwarded it to a younger civil servant now relatively new to federal service as a caution regarding the powers available even to administrators at relatively low levels. The temptation to bend the offices one holds to one’s personal direction is often great, and Hoover’s career appears to be a case to study.
I will follow your group’s work now and in the future with very great interest.
December 9, 2011 at 6:56 pm
Hello – I believe it would be more accurate to refer to Gary Webb’s death, rather than to his suicide. [ On this seventh anniversary of journalist Gary Webb???s suicide, we are re-posting one of the stories that Webb???s brave work forced out, albeit without a satisfying ending.]
Other than that, I have to say that you do impeccable work and I will be making my contribution any minute now.
The very best,
Fight the Reich
January 14, 2012 at 9:20 am
EXCELLENT work; And Thank You. It is heart warming during a very chilling time to see you’ve hit upon many key academic items that since the election of R. Nixon have systematically built and empowered the Fourth Reich that eventually on 9-11 pulled-off the biggest and filthiest coup upon our government in the history of our dear country. Reporting Truth in the face of the Fourth Reich’s terribly lying brainwashing propaganda machine is indeed truely difficult and often soul taxing; But it is such REAL Patriots that history will records as the TRUE beacons that heard and answered the many warnings and calls by our greatest Patriot Forefathers such as Thomas Jefferson, to be vigilantly on guard for the very worst threat to our Democracy: Domestic enemies from within and the careless self-important Ignorance among our citizens those enemies foster and depend upon.
chuck thomas
May 18, 2012 at 10:56 am
The essence of our government is supposed to be free honest and fair debate and representation by people who act in the interest of those who elected them–not inflammatory name calling or arguing about who the “real” patriots are (aren’t we ALL patriots?) I find any reference to Naziism distasteful. If you want to call the right’s power crusade plutocracy then now I’m OK with that. Because that is a true label for what is happening and it is going to ruin our country.
Ellen Corley
July 2, 2015 at 1:23 pm
I appreciated this FIghttheReich comment and wanted to know if there is site or hashtag along those lines. Is there a way we can legally fightthereich?
el aayyayayyay
January 26, 2012 at 8:51 pm
Dear Editor Robert Parry
We are very gratefull for your article about Reagan and Rios Mont.
We have no resources, is it possible to ask for permission to republish this article.
Sundy Gohadra
April 6, 2012 at 9:50 pm
Wow, just what we need. Another hard-left opinion rag masquerading as if it were an actual “news outlet”. LOL! Too funny…
chuck thomas
May 18, 2012 at 11:02 am
You have to read the entire piece. It says “to become a challenge to the mainstream news media”. Nothing disingenuous about that.
June 12, 2012 at 3:11 pm
Independent Investigative? yah.. and not the least bit biased.. Ha..
Typical liberal drivel..
James Camry
July 2, 2012 at 10:14 pm
I’ve been coming to for sometime now. Honestly it’s one of the better sites on the web and I know it will be here for years to come. It’s a great place to get story ideas for my site The International Human Press. Keep up the awesome work guys!
Deek Crowley
July 31, 2012 at 1:40 pm
Dear Robert Parry,
I am about to send copies of the below letter to mostly people who write for The Progressive populist and I would like to get your permission to suggest that they contact you for the history of how the Republicans took control of the media.
Deek Crowley
To anyone with ability and a sense of fairness:
A small percentage of voters read alternate publications like The Nation, The Progressive, The Progressive Populist, etc. Some may even know how the mainstream media was taken over by the Republicans. These voters mostly won???t be fooled by slick ads and know a vote for a third candidate without instant-runoff-voting could help elect a Republican, the candidate of the rich.
But most of the 99% don???t know this and believe the lies and lies of omission of the media. Their vision of reality is shaped by a media controlled by the 1%, yet half of them vote for the party of the 1%, the party that hurts them the most. Unless an effort is made to warn these misguided people, too many of them will be suckered by all the expensive dishonest ads the 1% with all their money will throw at them and once again vote for the party of the 1%.
Why not warn the 99% about what???s really going on and how not to be fooled. One way is to write concise, simple emails about each thing the public needs to know in a way that entices the recipients to forward them and those recipients to forward them, etc. Most people are likely to read an email from someone they know. The emails could be sent to all the people on liberal email lists – MoveOn, Sierra Club, Unions, etc. They could be put in alternative publications, both online and in print, to be forwarded. If the emails are written well enough, maybe enough people will want to forward them and a majority of voters will get to read them.
Below are three examples of what people need to know:
Did you ever wonder why the media never calls the Republicans on their lies? It???s because the Republicans control the media. (add a brief history of when and how the Republicans did it. For details, contact Robert Parry at )
The 1% will spend tons of money on TV ads promoting their candidates and attacking the candidates of the 99%. A good way to counter all that money is to count the ads to see which candidate is promoted and which is attacked by the ads. The candidate with the most ads for and the least ads against has to be the candidate of the 1% and your worst enemy if you???re not rich.
Some day we may have instant-runoff-voting so we can list a third candidate 1st and the Democrat 2nd and not waste our vote. Now a vote for a third candidate is, with very few exceptions, a vote for a candidate with no chance and a wasted Democrat vote which could help elect a Republican, the candidate of the 1%. We desperately need instant- runoff-voting.???
You get the idea. Please do your best to see that this is done. If nobody does it the 1% with their Republican stooges, their media, their money and their slick ads will once again sucker the voters. I would do it myself, but I???m an old man with a bad memory for details and am unable to do it.
Deek Crowley
Wayne, Maine
? One is anti-Trump and many more are for Trump - C阳光加州A - ♂ 给 C阳光加州A 发送悄悄话 C阳光加州A 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 08/07/2016 13:41:27
? The most important is that Reagan's - C阳光加州A - ♂ 给 C阳光加州A 发送悄悄话 C阳光加州A 的个人群组 (61 bytes) (19 reads) 08/07/2016 13:43:13
? 互联网 Level-headed blog: State facts let readers to decide, Well d - TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 TJKCB 的个人群组 (85 bytes) (11 reads) 08/07/2016 13:46:41
? 不同意 Mr. Frank Lavin 的观点,但是尊重 Frank Lavin选择 - happycow222 - ♂ 给 happycow222 发送悄悄话 happycow222 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 08/07/2016 14:21:03
? 我开始愤怒了:Mr. Frank Kevin 既然不顾事实,和多数媒体一样,不去反击 Mr. Khan 对 Trump的侮辱, - happycow222 - ♂ 给 happycow222 发送悄悄话 happycow222 的个人群组 (40 bytes) (4 reads) 08/07/2016 14:27:17
? 这次选举不是Democrats vs Republicans,而是the establishment vs the rest - 秋水禅 - ♀ 给 秋水禅 发送悄悄话 秋水禅 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 08/07/2016 13:43:35
? establishment = government: Can you run a country without it? - TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 TJKCB 的个人群组 (477 bytes) (3 reads) 08/07/2016 14:12:36
? Many Sander's supporters are for Jill not Hill. - C阳光加州A - ♂ 给 C阳光加州A 发送悄悄话 C阳光加州A 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 08/07/2016 13:51:06
? I vote for GOP nominee. Kasich did not win nominee - baiwen - ♂ 给 baiwen 发送悄悄话 baiwen 的博客首页 baiwen 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 08/07/2016 14:15:07
? In fact he won no where except his own state where he is governo - baiwen - ♂ 给 baiwen 发送悄悄话 baiwen 的博客首页 baiwen 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 08/07/2016 14:19:08