~~~~~~~~~ Fact checking -- "$20万。那年他24岁" ? http://www.politifact.com/florida/article/2016/mar/07/did-donald-trump-inherit-100-million/
Did Donald Trump inherit $100 million?
Donald Trump often talks about his success as a businessman creating thousands of jobs. But Marco Rubio says Trump hardly pulled that off on his own.
Among their many testy exchanges at the Republican debate in Detroit on March 3, 2016, was how much wealth Trump inherited.
"He talks about these great businesses that he's built," Rubio said. "He inherited over $100 million."
Trump interjected: "Wrong. Wrong. Wrong."
Trump added, "First of all, I got a call from my sister and brother tonight, and they said, ‘We had no idea Dad gave you $200 million.’ Believe me, I started off with $1 million. I built a company that's worth more than $10 billion. And I say it not in a bragging way, but that's the kind of thinking we need."
Did Trump inherit over $100 million as Rubio said at the March 3 debate? Trump did inherit money, but we could find no independent way to confirm the amount, so we are not rating the statement on our Truth-O-Meter. However, we will review what we do know about Trump's finances.
Trump’s inheritance
We asked a Rubio spokesman for his evidence that Trump inherited more than $100 million. (Rubio cited an even higher number of $200 million at a Feb. 25 debate.)
"The evidence would be on Donald Trump's tax returns right? Guess he'll need to shoot those on over to disprove the claim," Joe Pounder told PolitiFact. "Until then, all we have is his word that his inheritance was split amongst family members … All we know is there was an inheritance of up to $200 million. Donald Trump has never disputed the inheritance."
But news reports show that it’s a bit of a mystery how much Trump inherited from his father, Fred Sr. When he died in 1999, the New York Times reported that "his estate has been estimated by the family at $250 million to $300 million." The New York Daily News reported at the time that the estate was worth $100 million to $300 million based on family estimates.
But how was it divvied up? That’s something that reporters have tried to sort out during the 2016 race.
The New York Times reported Jan. 2 that Fred Sr.’s will "divided the bulk of the inheritance, at least $20 million, among his children and their descendants, ‘other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.’ "
Some of the grandchildren sued, and an "amicable" settlement was worked out.
But Donald Trump received money from his father long before his death.
A National Journal writer, S.V. Dáte, estimated Trump started with $40 million in 1974 when he became president of his father’s real estate company. By one estimate, the firm was worth about $200 million. Divided among Donald Trump and his four siblings, each would have received $40 million.
But the company wasn’t liquidated that year, so Trump didn’t receive that as cash.
In 1982, after running his father’s firm for eight years, Forbes magazine estimated Trump’s worth at $200 million.
Pounder cited a couple other articles about Trump’s career and wealth or his father, but neither explained how much he inherited.
A Trump spokeswoman disagreed with Rubio’s claim but did not provide any evidence to refute it.
Rubio has a point that Trump isn’t entirely a self-made man. Trump took over his father’s business, and he inherited money when his father died. Verifying the specific amounts remains difficult.
也许你会问,那又怎样?川普有五家公司破产,还有他的Trump University被人告。你怎么不提?
原文在这里:“Men wish to marry Melanias and raise Ivankas.”
对应地,川普不可能是傻子,不可能是骗子,也不可能是疯子,因为这不符我上述的两大规律及一大原理,自然也就不符合逻辑, 呵呵。
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'; html+=' 在这个系列的第一篇文章里,我预测川普会以崩塌(landslide)式大败希拉莉,成为美国第一任韬奋总统。
毕竟,如果你是川粉,他要是连这个小风浪也担当不起,将来如何胜任管理国家的重担?他不值得你去粉他。 如果你是希粉,川普不堪一击,希拉莉几乎是不战而屈人之兵,你应当弹冠相庆才是。
现在,让我们来看看他是不是希特勒,racist, 和sexist。
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