5) Patch to blacks/latinos in white community audience - absurd.
6) didn't release his tax return - without showing his tax return, no matter what Trump says, useless. (creepy) cover your own before attacking
7) Scare tactics. (dictator style)
Here’s another reason not to trust TV news reports about election polls
Washington Post 3 hours ago
August 23 at 9:00 AM Many news consumers know by now to take any single election-year poll with a grain of salt. Because of sampling variation and the vagaries of survey research, the best approach is to focus not on individual polls but on polling averages. Our research suggests yet another reason not to overreact to news stories about the newest poll: Media outlets tend to cover the surveys with the most “newsworthy” results, which can distort the picture of where the race stands. Why? Consider the incentives of the news business. News outlets cover polls because they fit the very definition of newsworthiness. They’re new, timely, often generate conflict and allow political reporters to appear ...