
这个声明已经是创下了记录,哈佛共和党俱乐部前不久公布,他们将不支持今年的共和党总统候选人川普,不支持本党候选人为创立于1888年的该俱 乐部的128年历史中的首次。整个声明从人品和治国方略(如果他拥有的话)揭露了川普的恶劣行径,行文水准也相当反应哈佛人的才华,非常值得一读。

保守派向来是哈佛或耶鲁的少数派,但是两校仍然是美国保守派思想家和政治实践者的摇篮。耶鲁孕育了美国保守运动的推动者William Buckley, 他因出书对耶鲁校园的自由主义做法的发难而出名,然后形成的一系列的保守主义思想直接导致了里根总统的上台。在美国近期的总统竞选史上,耶鲁出了共和党的 两位布什总统,哈佛共和党也培养了罗姆尼和克鲁兹等强劲的总统候选人。

仅从川普的外交政策就可以看出川普是一位多么荒唐的候选人,他的当选几乎可以改变奠定了二战以来的世界格局。他完全可以与俄罗斯总统普京称兄道弟,互相吹捧对方为“天才”或“强有力的领袖”;川普的传记作家说他的自控能力比小学生还要差劲,让他拥有核电纽不可想象。川普誓言他将重启与中国的贸易 协定的谈判,他要让美国重回极端的贸易保护主义;他要让日本和韩国拥有核武器,与北韩或中国直接对抗,维持战后70年东亚和平的美国可以离开那里而放手不 管;在国际事务上,美国将不会履行她长期作为国际领袖的责任,包括美国不承诺北约的第五条,也就是北约条约中打击一国等于打击全体的核心条款,生意人川普说得很直白,你不付钱我就不保护你。


Harvard Republican Club Refuses to Endorse Donald Trump

August 4, 2016.

Dear Members and Alumni,

In every presidential election since 1888, the members and Executive Board of the Harvard Republican Club have gathered to discuss, debate, and eventually endorse the standard-bearer of our party. But for the first time in 128 years, we, the oldest College Republicans chapter in the nation, will not be endorsing the Republican nominee.

Donald Trump holds views that are antithetical to our values not only as Republicans, but as Americans. The rhetoric he espouses –from racist slander to misogynistic taunts– is not consistent with our conservative principles, and his repeated mocking of the disabled and belittling of the sacrifices made by prisoners of war, Gold Star families, and Purple Heart recipients is not only bad politics, but absurdly cruel.

If enacted, Donald Trump’s platform would endanger our security both at home and abroad. Domestically, his protectionist trade policies and draconian immigration restrictions would enlarge our federal deficit, raise prices for consumers, and throw our economy back into recession. Trump’s global outlook, steeped in isolationism, is considerably out-of-step with the traditional Republican stance as well. The flippancy with which he is willing to abdicate the United States’ responsibility to lead is alarming. Calling for the US’ withdrawal from NATO and actively endorsing nuclear proliferation, Donald Trump’s foreign policy would wreak havoc on the established world order which has held aggressive foreign powers in check since World War II.

Perhaps most importantly, however, Donald Trump simply does not possess the temperament and character necessary to lead the United States through an increasingly perilous world. The last week should have made obvious to all what has been obvious to most for more than a year. In response to any slight –perceived or real– Donald Trump lashes out viciously and irresponsibly. In Trump’s eyes, disagreement with his actions or his policies warrants incessant name calling and derision: stupid, lying, fat, ugly, weak, failing, idiot –and that’s just his “fellow” Republicans.

He isn’t eschewing political correctness. He is eschewing basic human decency.

Donald Trump, despite spending more than a year on the campaign trail, has either refused or been unable to educate himself on issues that matter most to Americans like us. He speaks only in platitudes, about greatness, success, and winning. Time and time again, Trump has demonstrated his complete lack of knowledge on critical matters, meandering from position to position over the course of the election. When confronted about these frequent reversals, Trump lies in a manner more brazen and shameless than anything politics has ever seen.

Millions of people across the country are feeling despondent. Their hours have been cut, wages slashed, jobs even shipped overseas. But Donald Trump doesn’t have a plan to fix that. He has a plan to exploit that.

Donald Trump is a threat to the survival of the Republic. His authoritarian tendencies and flirtations with fascism are unparalleled in the history of our democracy. He hopes to divide us by race, by class, and by religion, instilling enough fear and anxiety to propel himself to the White House. He is looking to to pit neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend, American against American. We will not stand for this vitriolic rhetoric that is poisoning our country and our children.

President Reagan called on us to maintain this, our shining city on a hill. He called on us to maintain freedom abroad by keeping a strong presence in the world. He called on us to maintain liberty at home by upholding the democratic process and respecting our opponents. He called on us to maintain decency in our hearts by loving our neighbor.

He would be ashamed of Donald Trump. We are too.

This fall, we will instead focus our efforts on reclaiming the Republican Party from those who have done it considerable harm, campaigning for candidates who will uphold the conservative principles that have defined the Republican Party for generations. We will work to ensure both chambers of Congress remain in Republican hands, continuing to protect against executive overreach regardless of who wins the election this November.

We call on our party’s elected leaders to renounce their support of Donald Trump, and urge our fellow College Republicans to join us in condemning and withholding their endorsement from this dangerous man. The conservative movement in America should not and will not go quietly into the night.

A longtime student of American democracy, Alexis de Tocqueville once said, “America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

De Tocqueville believed in the United States. Americans are a decent people. We work hard, protect our own, and look out for one another in times of need, regardless of the color of our skin, the God we worship, or our party registration. Donald Trump may not believe in that America, but we do. And that America will never cease to be great.

The Harvard Republican Club

年轻时代的William Buckley手握他的成名作《God and Man at Yale》。

William Buckley和里根总统。

三竹斋 发表评论于
文以止戈 发表评论于
清漪园 发表评论于
So what?
大西洋渔夫 发表评论于
绝对运动 发表评论于
绝对运动 发表评论于
北美庆丰 发表评论于
Zhen-Zhen 发表评论于
Hillary gets the nominee by DNC 黑箱操做.

歡顏展卷林中坐 发表评论于 2016-08-08 08:00:11
Trump 崛起是一些選民對建製派不滿的結果。
建製派的危機是候選人走極端,對許多選民關心的議題不夠關心,Trump 才有利用不滿、開支票迎合選民的機會。
furbydvs 发表评论于
shuiguan 发表评论于 2016-08-08 07:37:26
SB,装13 范,他们不知听取民意,一味高高在上,必然被唾弃,川普是来拯救他们的,死到临头还不知悔改,共和党这群废物,难怪整天被民主党算计,解散算了,川普可以成立人民党了。
诚信 发表评论于

歡顏展卷林中坐 发表评论于
Trump 崛起是一些選民對建製派不滿的結果。
建製派的危機是候選人走極端,對許多選民關心的議題不夠關心,Trump 才有利用不滿、開支票迎合選民的機會。
shuiguan 发表评论于
SB,装13 范,他们不知听取民意,一味高高在上,必然被唾弃,川普是来拯救他们的,死到临头还不知悔改,共和党这群废物,难怪整天被民主党算计,解散算了,川普可以成立人民党了。
jjin09061999 发表评论于
哈佛共和党俱乐部 suicide to support Hillary.
+1! 哈佛共和党俱乐部被人唾弃的,不做不死!
Zhen-Zhen 发表评论于
哈佛共和党俱乐部suicide to support Hillary.
随意001 发表评论于
Tiger666 发表评论于
大西洋渔夫 发表评论于
(1)华裔的家庭传统价值观和民主党”护错扬恶“的完全相反。 甚至一半的墨西哥人反感民主党
(2)民主党只代表黑人穆斯林和犹太的利益。 结果是种族冲突和战争。
古龙 发表评论于
致Zhen-zhen,\n\nGood good study, day day up!
诚信 发表评论于
George P. Bush is committing political suicide to support Trump.
大号蚂蚁 发表评论于
Zhen-Zhen 发表评论于
Report: George P. Bush urges Republicans to back Trump
诚信 发表评论于
“在美国的所谓川粉们也与神州(的职业网评员们)遥相乎应”, 这句话是核心。

希望在中国大陆的网评员向你们的上级领导反映一下,Trump是典型的白人小人,并非真正的共和党政客,他的任何承诺都不可信,他当选后一定会对中国不利,是一只喂不饱的狼,而且当选几率几乎是零。现在,中国政府完全一面倒对Trump的支持,将会造成将来对中国国家利益的严重伤害。中国政府使用网络评论员支持Trump,是一个非常愚蠢的决策, 应立即停止。
True8888 发表评论于
True Americans. Salute to those Republicans.
Zhen-Zhen 发表评论于
藏龙卧虎 发表评论于
共和党太让人失望了。trump 太不着调了,太crazy了, 不可能把核按钮拿给他。

