自古貨比貨道理: 競爭對手較勁爭更好? Election is shopping around, but not if you dig deep:
Admitted: "而希拉裏還在粉飾太平,她的辯論技巧要高於川普,但是美國現在需要實際改變的領導者" Clinton's boring, not inspiring; however, Trump disappointed some as he didn't prepare with specifics showing how he can fix it as he claimned "America's terrible, terrible, I alone can fix it. "
Show me how! No. That's secret -! "可不是一句口號和決心就夠了。選民曆年來都聽和很多口號,人們要實際的細節。"
I don't like a person taking pleasure of saying: 1) "You're fired" - Apprentice soundbite; 2) Not paying tax makes me smart (no decency).
- Tax law is basic. Given this, can you expect Trump to "law and order?" You don't/shouldn't take advantages of other's miserables - Trump ran over those little-business contractors. God forbidden "
“build on respect(建立在尊重之上)”
"The number of interruptions could be up for debate. Vox reports Trump interrupted Clinton 25 times in the first 26 minutes. "
• CNN total candidate speaking times , Clinton: 41:12 Trump: 46:12 - 立場 - ♂ (http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/currentevent/871190.html) Being a woman, you lose the groupd here: Trump 5 min more than Clinton - Tell me who ruled - overran the other here? - In the eyes of the public, he didn't give a damn about the rule of governing the Presidential debate - how could you expect him to restore "law and order?"
""If he wants to do better next time, Trump needs to drop the habit of narrating his own performance. "I think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament," he told us Monday. "I have a winning temperament." Regardless of whether we agree with the content of the statement, simply reiterating it won't convince anyone.
There's an adage in storytelling, known to every college creative writing class, and yet invariably forgotten by politicians. Show, don't tell. If you want your character to look heroic, show him rescuing a child from a blaze or saving civilians under fire -- but whatever you do, do not let him announce to an audience: "I am a heroic character." If you are a politician, and you want to portray judgment and temperance, behave with dignity in debate -- and don't bother to tell us."""
(by Theater critic Kate Maltby: Trump tried to narrate his own debate, write his own review")
Just a rich big boy, doesn't care about what the heck of ordinary Americans' life - he's ego maniac - aldrenaline thrust-driven - I say whatever I want - you can't do anything about it. He got everything as he claimed, like Romney, but only needs this title for his resume - that's his ego maniac. Doesn't give a damn about the public - folks - how can you expect him to? As he's hardly seen a real one? That's why he didn't come up with any specifics how to serve the ordinary folks. No clues.
In the end of the day, only God can decide who got that Presidential Look, not even voters. - thus, save your energy for yourselves jumping feet here shouting dirty cursing words-bouncing back to you if you'll. Let the show go on !
Not yet know God? Pull down the green bills - find that "In God We Trust" in American dollar bills.
"In God We Trust" - May God bless America!
Not just presidential debate, but also voters' comment, fascinating! Some notetaking here:
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我感覺從準備和發揮來講,老太婆表現比較好,有職業政客的老道。老川有些急於攻擊,思路和係統性不夠好,但也過得去。。。然而,老太婆的施政思路和發揮也就是如此了,上升空間不大;而老川還有多處可以在後麵兩次辯論中表現出新意,比如 law and order,你的舉措是什麽?讓工作回到美國,作為商人你應該有讓人耳目一新的係統的辦法;移民問題,不能停留在讓墨西哥掏錢修牆的高度。。。左派和老太婆的問題大家都知道,在總統辯論中用力過猛會得不償失,老川需要用好自己的時間、發揮自己的特長,這才是王道。