Add the fried tofu back to the wok at the very end once stir-frying is almost done. If there is any remaining egg mixture left, pull onto the tofu. Then add some sliced pork meat, shrimps, soysauce, a little salt, and mushroom (or cabbage heart) to the wok. Add 2-3 cups of water, depending on how much soup you want. Cook another 15-20 minutes. Add green onions, and a dish of tender and delicious tofu shall be ready.
回复7grizzly, thank you for the tip. It is even suggested online to squeeze the water out by pressing(using knife). Thanks again.
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
回复“7grizzly": yes, half an hour shall be about the time. If you do not sprinkle salt and pepper(which I don't), cook a bit longer after water added to let the flavor in. I've been trying to eat light(吃得淡) these years, so I don't care much if the flavor is not strong enough. The only weakness of this stir-frying is the cleaning issue. Thank you for dropping by.
7grizzly 发表评论于
Step 1. In addition to leaving it to drain, I think you can use towel paper to soak up the water from the tofu slices.
7grizzly 发表评论于
Love it! I'd say it takes about half an hour?
We often have the same tofu from Costco and make mapo tofu with it. That's almost the only Chinese dish I cook these days ;-)