去过Orsay 美术馆的一定不会忘记这幅吧,印象派大家Pierre-Auguste Renoir的Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette。我的运气真不咋的,去的时候竟然被借走了,只怪无缘。
出乎意料这部电影不单单是Pierre-Auguste Renoir的生平,却围绕着Renoir的最后一个模特儿Andrée Heuschling,叙述发生在这间大宅里的人和故事。当然会有爱情故事,那是Andrée Heuschling和Renoir的第二个儿子小Renoir--Jean Renoir的爱情,也带来了这个小 Renoir后来在电影业的卓越成就。
电影拍的很美,那些光那些色彩配上流水般的音乐和Renoir画的意境很相配。电影特别描写了老Renoir画这张画的情景,从画家的眼睛里看到虚幻的身影,色彩就在Renoir笔下流淌。这部电影的摄影Mark Lee Ping Bing 李屏賓,曾是花样年华的摄影。很出色,给整个电影频添了些许流光溢彩的感觉。
Renoir画中的人是没有edge的,“What must control the structure is not the line,” Renoir declares. “It’s the color.”
Renoir拒绝黑色,他希望别人从画里体会快乐,?"I refuse to paint the world black....A painting should be something pleasant and cheerful,” he adds. “There are enough disagreeable things in life. I don’t need to paint more."
Renoir到了晚年依然非常谦虚,他不认为自己是画家,而只是个画工(worker),“My whole life, I tried to paint like a child.”
晚年的Renoir的类风湿关节炎很严重,但他依然努力做画,他依然为看到自己的进步而欣慰,“The pain passes, Jean. But beauty remains.”
在艺术和战争之间,为Jean Renoir重返战场之事,"...Go get yourself pumped full of lead, imbecile! Or if you prefer, go kill some good German fellow who smokes a pipe. If you think it'll change something....
Flesh! that's all that matters, if you don't understand that, you will never understand life or painting...."
被他儿子认为的怯懦的生活态度的老Renoir的生活哲学 "cork理论“,偶的理解是他会抓住每个生活给他的机会,力求做到最好,"? Don't force fate's hand, it's best to go with the flow, like a cork floating in a stream."
”All women, whether they be a whore or a queen, deserve the same respect.“
”You can't explain a painting, you have to feel it.“
" I need living, breathing material."
Jean Renoir在电影业和老Renoir在绘画上的成就相当,一生中制作电影40多部,其中 La Grande Illusion (1937) and The Rules of the Game (1939)最为著名, 1975获得奥斯卡终身成就奖。他和Andrée Heuschling的婚姻只维持了10年而已。