诚信 发表评论于 2016-10-26 07:42:39
I find many Trump supporters in wenxuecity cannot read English.
So what? Who cares about speaking English or Chinese? This is a forum for debating political positions for Chinese. Why the hell should they be able to read English? Your behavior runs against your name here, doesn't it?
I find many Trump supporters in wenxuecity cannot read English.
零不是数 发表评论于
楼下的: 到处复制一个帖? 过去卖大力丸的就号称百病全治.
诚信 发表评论于
It is only two weeks prior to the election day. Trump campaign is really desperate and have launched saturation lie bombing. 离大选日只有两周了,Trump 阵营完全绝望了,发起了饱和谎言轰炸。
Look at what the real Hillary is in Trump's heart when they were not opponents 8 years ago. Look at the sincerity permeated in his face when he told the truth, which made him real and handsome, compared with the ugly, deformed face he poses today when telling nasty lies all day long.