Heckuva lockroom talk: If you talk about your mother, wife, daughter like that, you might vote for that guy. if you're women, you feel comfortable letting men grab your pussy - vote for that man.
I agree on these:
“Donald Trump and his words are ‘reprehensible,’ ‘indefensible’ and ‘offensive,’
otherwise, that's your call.
Any decent men won't do such groping women's pussy - even animals won't do that. Note that Trump was 60-year-old, the third wife married 6-month, pregnant - you said he's young, indulgent in lockroom talk - give me a break. 60-year-old! Grand father, what the hell example you want to set for youth? Ha? 鹹豬手!Trump "Grab ’em by the pussy” pussy (women genital) ?! In the second debate, he claimed that he talked, and didn't do it - deposition with several interviewers. Now, floudering cases pop out - any dignity and respect women won't do that.
https://www.facebook.com/?sk=nf (the threshold of decency: Bernie Sanders said, of kindness, dignity, respect, honor, and decency)
If you're liberals, you might okay with such behavior. If you're real Republicans, conservatives, you can't as repecting women is your morale. The opposite shows You Ain’t No American Republican - a line so clearly drawn. With that, you can understand why those hard core Republicans abandon Trump.
Talking about lesser of two evils, independants seat on the fence looking.
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Kristin Anderson was deep in conversation with acquaintances at a crowded Manhattan nightspot and did not notice the figure to her right on a red velvet couch - until, she recalls, his fingers slid under her miniskirt, moved up her inner thigh, and ...
The Washington Post on Friday reported a new allegation against Donald Trump by a woman who says the GOP presidential nominee fondled her in a New York nightclub in the 1990s. The woman, Kristin Anderson, said she did not know Trump, and he never said a word to her before sticking his hand up her skirt and touching her vagina through her underwear.
From the Post’s story:
Kristin Anderson was deep in conversation with acquaintances at a crowded Manhattan nightspot and did not notice the figure to her right on a red velvet couch — until, she recalls, his fingers slid under her miniskirt, moved up her inner thigh, and touched her vagina through her underwear.
Anderson shoved the hand away, fled the couch and turned to take her first good look at the man who had touched her, she said.
She recognized him as Donald Trump: “He was so distinctive looking — with the hair and the eyebrows. I mean, nobody else has those eyebrows.”
Anderson is the 10th woman to come forward in the past week with sexual abuse allegations against Trump. On Thursday, The Huffington Post reported that another woman, Lisa Boyne, had a similar experience during the same time period, when Trump stuck his hand up women’s skirts at a restaurant.
Trump and the Sultan
American voters should learn from Turkey’s experience with an out-of-control leader.
What Ohio’s Republican lawmakers are saying about Trump: “Donald Trump and his words are ‘reprehensible,’ ‘indefensible’ and ‘offensive,’” Dispatch reporters Randy Ludlow and Jessica Wehrman write.
“But all that matters to most of Ohio's top Republican officeholders is that he's a Republican — thus worthy of their support. They say the unthinkable alternative is a renewal of the Democrats' lease on the White House with Hillary Clinton as the occupant.”
It’s unclear if some will change their mind after the latest allegations against Trump.
LeBron James talks "locker room" talk: While Trump has chalked up what was caught on video as locker room talk, cleveland.com’s Chris Fedor reports Cavs star LeBron James said, "What is 'locker room talk' to me? It's not what that guy said. We don't disrespect women in no shape or fashion in our locker room. That never comes up. Obviously, I got a mother-in-law, a wife, a mom and a daughter and those conversations just don't go on in our locker room."
據紐約時報中文網13日報道,74歲的傑茜卡·利茲(Jessica Leeds)稱,35年前,特朗普曾在飛機上侵犯了她:“他就像章魚一樣……到處都是他的手。”
報道稱,在第二場總統辯論中,唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)語氣堅決:是的,他曾自誇強吻女性和抓她們下體的經曆。但他說,自己實際上從沒做過這些事情。
那一刻,74歲的傑茜卡·利茲(Jessica Leeds)正坐在曼哈頓的家中。她覺得特朗普是在當著她的麵撒謊。“我想給屏幕一拳,”她在自己的公寓裏接受采訪時說。
他們說,這件事令他們厭惡不已。“我聽得渾身發抖,”利茲的鄰居和朋友琳達·羅斯(Linda Ross)說,利茲是在六個月前告訴她這件事的。和利茲的其他幾個朋友一樣,羅斯鼓勵她把這件事告訴媒體。利茲一直都很抗拒,直到星期日和羅斯一起收看辯論的時候。
特朗普回答CNN台安德森·庫珀(Anderson Cooper)的問題,否認自己曾經對女人實施過性侵,羅斯馬上用難以置信的眼光看著利茲,她回憶自己當時說,“現在我們知道他是在公然撒謊了。”
特朗普說自己的粗話從未變成行動。這個說法同樣激怒了周日晚上觀看辯論的俄亥俄州女子蕾切爾·克魯克斯(Rachel Crooks)。
2005年,時年22歲的克魯克斯在曼哈頓特朗普大廈內的房地產投資和開發公司貝羅克集團(Bayrock Group)擔任前台。一天上午,她在大廈電梯外麵遇到了特朗普。
受到驚嚇的克魯克斯回到自己的桌子旁,給住在俄亥俄一個小鎮的姐妹布裏安·韋布(Brianne Webb)打電話,講述了事情經過。她們一起在那個小鎮長大。
利茲和克魯克斯說,選民不應相信特朗普的話。此前,她們兩人的故事從未公開過。她們的說法印證了之前站出來的一些女性的說法,如前猶他小姐坦普爾·塔格特(Temple Taggart)。塔格特說,在她21歲時參加一場選美比賽時,特朗普多次親吻她的嘴。
特朗普親吻她幾個小時後,克魯克斯回到自己在布魯克林的公寓,在當時的男友克林特·哈肯伯格(Clint Hackenburg)麵前崩潰了。
利茲和克魯克斯都說,她們支持希拉裏·克林頓(Hillary Clinton)競選總統,克魯克斯還給克林頓和貝拉克·奧巴馬總統捐過不到200美元。
“他徑直闖進來,我們顧不上穿浴袍,有人沒穿上衣,有人全裸,我們第一次見他是在換比基尼的時候,賽事的擁有者走進來 而我們不是全裸就是半裸,處於非常無助的狀態,為他工作的人叫我們奉承他,在他麵前走來走去 ,跟他聊天,引起他的注意,特朗普是選美比賽的擁有者 ,所以能利用權力混在美女中間,你能跟誰抱怨呢?他可是老板,所以你無法向任何人抱怨,大家都為他工作。”
deserving censure or condemnation."his complacency and reprehensible laxity"
synonyms: deplorable, disgraceful, discreditable, despicable, blameworthy, culpable, wrong, bad, shameful, dishonorable, objectionable, opprobrious, repugnant, inexcusable, unforgivable, indefensible, unjustifiable;