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Cymoeba: Awaken by [Y. Z.]
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Cymoeba: Awaken Kindle Edition



Length: 484 pages Word Wise: Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
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Cymoeba: Awaken (Kindle Edition)
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    Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
    Cymoeba is an intellectually provocative adventure I found very difficult to set down (I finished reading in 2 days)! With all of today’s current updates in technology, Cymoeba offers a convincing narrative and a genuine take on the creation of accidental and rogue artificial-intelligence set in the present day. The perspectives of both supporters and detractors of this new life-form offers a believable conflict of interest that can only be resolved at the international level. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone interested in the possibility that the internet, one of mankind's long-thought greatest breakthroughs, could cause a major predicament on the international scene.
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    Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
    "I thoroughly enjoyed Cymoeba. The idea behind the plot was very interesting and I think holds a really true idea of where the future of computers is taking us. The characters had some really interesting back stories and connected in the most interesting way. The twists and turns in the book accompanied by the intelligence in scientific writing made this book really cool! The great amount of suspense and action that encouraged me to read on. Definitely a great and easy read!"
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    Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
    This book is amazing! I can't let the book go until I finish it all over! AI, Internet, human, machine - that is our future, how it evolve, how it ends, this book tell you all! 5 stars! I wish I could give it to 10 stars!
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    Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
    Cymoeba is the best book I have read all summer. It has the quick pace and action of the best superspy stories coupled with a stimulating central plot that explores the future challenges mankind will face because of technology and the increasing interconnectedness of the human race that it allows. Clever and compelling, Cymoeba is quite the enjoyable read!
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    Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
    I read a bit of science fiction when I was younger and I enjoyed getting back to a world that was set ambiguously in the future, but not so far off that it was unimaginable. The plot of the novel was intricate and daring, the perfect amount of twists and turns. It's rare to find an action-packed book that actually makes you think too - great read!!
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    Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
    Amazing, magical, fascinating, thrilling, exciting, wonderful. AI life born from the electronic chaos in, and car chase, shootout, murder......This is one of the best science fiction that I have read.
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    梦逍遥的留言薄 (最近5条留言)
    -ZWM421- 留言于:2016-10-05 10:53:29
    你好,你写的很好,以前看到过你的大作。最近你的写的更精细了。我也是文学青年,不过不大发表文章。去年和我弟弟联手出了一本书。叫 Cymoeba:Awaken,在亚马逊上有卖,英文版的。中文的正在出版中。请指教哈,ZWM421。
    ZWM421的个人信息 (申请朋友圈)
    笔名: ZWM421
    个人描述: 一个喜欢梦想,追求梦想,实现梦想的人