On Sunday, October 30, 2016 News Week 上面的文章 《Warrant Secured to Investigate Abedin's Clinton-Related Emails》。Federal investigators have secured a warrant to examine newly discovered emails related to Hillary Clinton's private server, U.S.The warrant will allow the FBI to examine the emails to see if they are relevant to its probe of the private email server used for government work by Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.
小编补一句: 这件事也狠狠甩了奥巴马和希拉里一个大耳瓜子: 维基解密不是俄罗斯干的! Kim Dotcom根本就不是俄国人,不要啥事都怪普京!
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : Husbands of Huma and Hillary.
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Just nine days until Election Day, Democrat Hillary Clinton holds a six-point advantage over Republican Donald Trump in the battleground state of North Carolina, while the candidates are essentially deadlocked in Florida, according to two new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls.
In Florida, Clinton gets the support of 45 percent of likely voters, while Trump gets 44 percent.
阿留 发表评论于
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想了一天这件事,我认为 Comey 在玩火。 因为 Attorney General Lynch 已经公开站出来说她事前和现在都反对Comey将 reopen investigation 这件事公开,但她不反对reopen investigation,理由是FBI自己的纪律policy: 调查人员不可对正在调查的案件发表公开评论(not comment on ongoing investigation)。
在警察与黑人关系的争论问题上,Comey 是Obama administration 阁员里唯一多次公开表达支持警察的人。他的政治立场明显左右了他对Hillary emails 的调查的处理方式和用词(rhetoric). 7月份时,他的讲话就不够专业,很奇怪。他现在被很多人批评abuse of power. 这件事很有可能最后backfire.
奇怪的是,emails 怎么会留在laptop,应该只能在servers里(inbox, sent folders). Very strange.