在最高法院问题上,川普一反先前反复无常、对政策不明晰的表态,明确表示要推翻Roe v. Wade案,由各州立法明确堕胎权问题;捍卫第二修正案,捍卫持枪权等,这正是共和党传统的表态。而克林顿也表达了由最高法院推动进步、保卫这些年进步派成果的一面。在这些社会领域,双方都基本遵循保守派和自由派的基本立场做答。
诚信 发表评论于 2016-10-26 08:10:29
Only people know neither English nor logics can like Trump.
Your sentence should be: "Only people know neither English nor logic like Trump."
零不是数 发表评论于
@诚信 唯一的DUMB之处是接你的话茬,好在还有别人在看.
和希的说法相似,你已经把40%+ 支持川的(按媒体的民调)都划成既不懂英语,又不懂逻辑的人了. 这次你并没有局限于上文学城的人. YOU ARE REALLYDUMB!
诚信 发表评论于
Sorry to reaffirm, you are really dumb.
"Only people know neither English nor logics can like Trump " does not mean "All people know neither English nor logics like Trump"! It is very different.
诚信 发表评论于
When people fight, they of course only say bad of each other. Only when they are not opponents may they tell truth about each other.
Only people know neither English nor logics can like Trump.
todaytoday 发表评论于
零不是数 发表评论于
不光没受过高等教育,还读不懂英文, 只有你诚信高大上.
零不是数 发表评论于
回复诚信: 的确DUMB, 快赶上你了.
零不是数 发表评论于
回复诚信: 的确DUMB, 快赶上你了.
诚信 发表评论于
I find many Trump supporters in wenxuecity cannot read English.
诚信 发表评论于
It is only two weeks prior to the election day. Trump campaign is really desperate and have launched saturation lie bombing. 离大选日只有两周了,Trump 阵营完全绝望了,发起了饱和谎言轰炸。
Good points!
=== === +1
零不是数 发表评论于
诚信: 也看看8年前08是如何说希不可靠的! 政治就是肮脏,马克.吐温要偷笑了.
诚信 发表评论于
Look at what the real Hillary is in Trump's heart when they were not opponent 8 years ago. Look at the sincerity indicated in his face when he told the truth, which made him real and handsome, compared with the ugly, deformed face he has now when telling nasty lies all day long.