The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my support during his primary (I gave, he won), then dropped me over locker room remarks!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2016
Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2016
《美政机要》(Politico)Inside the scramble to save the GOP from TrumpA portrait of a party in meltdown
With the exception of cheating Bernie out of the nom the Dems have always proven to be far more loyal to each other than the Republicans!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2016
Disloyal R's are far more difficult than Crooked Hillary. They come at you from all sides. They don’t know how to win - I will teach them!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2016
It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2016
淳朴简史2004:我觉得我多半儿是个民主党(《有线电视新闻CNN》)1998:诋毁比尔·克林顿的人糟极了,没人爱;比尔棒极了(《美国广播公司ABC》:Donald Trump Called Bill Clinton's Accusers 'Terrible' and 'Unattractive' and Former President 'Terrific')

TRUMP ON THE O’REILLY FACTORlast night -- “If [the tape is] what it is going to take to lose an election, that will be pretty sad, then I have to go back to my other life, but I’ll tell you what, I think we’re going to win the election, Bill … The shackles are some of the establishment people that are weak and ineffective people within the Republican Party. Senators and others and Paul Ryan led to a certain extent by Paul Ryan being nasty to the nominee. No, but they aren’t giving support. We got more than 14 million votes more than anybody in the history of Republican primaries Bill and they don’t give the support that we really need. I think I’m better off maybe without their support if you want to know the truth.”你以为淳朴多厉害,多凶。要淳朴明白在美国他那一千四百万铁军只占选民的十分之一,难啊。

'That was a quip': Trump campaign manager dismisses threat to jail Clinton.唉,实在不知道啥时候说的是真,啥时候是假的,啥时候是开玩笑。也许大家应当问问,谁还有点儿脑子剩下来?

《美政机要》(Politico)Trump campaign manager to GOP: Stop 'pussyfooting around'关于康威(KellyAnne Conway),几个月前走马上任的“竞选经理”(Campaign Manager),参见:别以为康威没骨子:《名利场 (杂志,Vanity Fair)》At Least Kellyanne Conway Is Getting Rich Off the Trump Debacle

【狐狸台两代的交接】老爷子默多克(鲁伯特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch))和媒体大亨艾尔斯(罗杰·艾尔斯(Roger Ailes))联手大侠江山。艾尔斯是媒体神人,很厉害,你觉得他是王八蛋也行,但内行人都服他。很黑,很霸道,也很坏,最后毁在自己的劣迹上。一辈子,也就是这么一回事儿了。
小默多克换人也是意料之中的。狐狸台的群众基础是60岁的老头老太,失落的那种,再铁,也没多久了,最后大家还是看钱,小默多克也得为自己和家族着想。《狐狸台》的希望名利场 (杂志,Vanity Fair)》“Kelly, who The L.A. Times has reported earns around $10 million a year at Fox News, could possibly command double that amount, a figure more in line with what her in-house rival and nemesis Bill O’Reilly reportedly earns”