1975年,美国阿肯色州小镇,一个12岁的女孩凯西.谢尔顿(Kathy Shelton)被一名41岁男子Thomas Alfred Taylor强奸,检方提告一级强奸罪,刑期30年。整个强暴过程极其残忍,导致凯西昏迷, 多处受伤需要缝合,并致终生不育。女律师希拉里受法院委托担任罪犯的辩护律师,希拉里在法庭上污称凯西对年长男人充满了性幻想并主动引诱年级大的男人,要求法庭对凯西进行长达十二小时的心理评估。12岁的性侵受害者受到第二次伤害。
这应该是她职业生涯的一个污点, 就是 how to balance between professionalism and righteousness. 对于一个27岁的年轻律师, 虽然是 Pro Bono, 因为 client 坚持 not guilty, 只能全力打 not guilty, 没有选择。
I have no opinion on this case. I have not paid any research on it yet. The comments I previously posted are "Facts Update" of Washington Post. Check it up using the link.
诚信 发表评论于 2016-10-14 07:10:12
"功利心太强的人,往往丧失道德的底线", what about those people who have no 道德的底线 at all?
I see real诚信 what you said
诚信 发表评论于
"功利心太强的人,往往丧失道德的底线", what about those people who have no 道德的底线 at all?
诚信 发表评论于
Taylor asked the judge to replace his court-appointed male attorney with a female one. The judge went through the list of a half-dozen women practicing law in the county and picked Clinton. She has said she was not thrilled with the assignment but felt she had little choice but to take the court appointment.
But Shelton told Thrush at the time that she bore no ill will toward Clinton. “I have to understand that she was representing Taylor,” she said. “I’m sure Hillary was just doing her job.”
Reed in an interview published Oct. 12 denied that Clinton was laughing at Shelton.?“As far as her laughing, God knows she was not laughing over the notion that this rapist was going to go free," said Reed.?“I challenge any fair-minded reader of that transcript to make a case that Hillary Rodham was a coldblooded lawyer who was laughing over the plight of the 12-year-old rape victim."
There is little indication that the outcome of the case would have been much different, no matter the defense attorney, given the mishandling of the evidence and Shelton’s difficulties as a witness.
花老虎 发表评论于 2016-10-13 21:03:11
How do you interpret Hillary's "HIGH" and "LOW" in terms of this case?