速描《金瓶梅》第9 回 / 100


  • 1. 吴月娘,大家闺秀
  • 2. 李娇儿,酒楼歌妓
  • 3. 孟玉楼,富裕寡妇
  • 4. 孙雪娥,厨娘晋升
  • 5. 潘金莲,克夫美女


武松回家知哥死于西门庆足下,正酒楼喝酒, 武松奔向酒楼,西门庆窗口见武松,跳窗逃之,武松错把正喝酒的县官李外传当西门庆打死。

Ximen and Jin finally get married.  Ximen now has 5 wives with their ranking and background:

  1. Yue-niang, a fair lady
  2. Li Jiao, a whore
  3. Yulou, a wealthy widow
  4. Xue-er, a cook
  5. Jin, a kiss-of-death beauty

Yue-niang’s maid, Mei, was assigned to serve Jin.  Mei, is one of the three ladies in the book title.

Wu Song is back in town,  finds out that his brother is killed by Ximen, runs after Ximen who is drinking in a restaurant. Ximen sees Wu Song coming, jumps out of window,  Wu Song breaks in, hits Li Waizheng, the town official, to death instead of Ximen.
