一天金莲与西门庆鸾凤穿花, 云雨正欢,丫头春梅送茶, 西门庆要三嬉, 金莲那肯。 次日西门庆与春梅风欺嫩柳, 春点红蕊。此后金莲宠惯春梅。当西门四妻雪娥嫉妒金莲与春梅,二女恃宠生骄,激西门庆暴打四房雪娥。
西门庆有钱有闲, 又重金独享青楼歌女李桂姐,其姑是西门庆二房李娇儿,相助不妒。
While Jin and Ximen playing hot & wet, Mei walks in serving tea, Ximen invites Mei to join for an orgy, Jin says Noway! Next day, Ximen deflowers Mei. Jin starts spoiling Mei. Ximen’s 4th wife Xue-er is jealous of Jin and Mei, then Jin and Mei use Ximen to beat her.
Ximen has money and leisure, he pays high to own Li Gui-jie, a geisha, her aunt is Li Jiao, Ximen’s 2nd wife, who is not resentful at all, overjoyed when her hubby Ximen has pleasure.