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It doesn't matter what the outcome of this election is, Trump will come out as a winner, and the democratic process and American people are the losers.

I can't start to count how many lies Trump has been telling people, and people believe them....

Even though the facts are out there, easy to find, at their finger tips...a tool called google...

But no, people have lost interests in knowing the truth...They'd rather turn to conspiracy theories or unfounded allegations....

A democratic society functions on faith in strangers - you have faith in police and judge to do their job; you have faith in government agencies to fairly enforce laws and regulations; you have faith in experts and intellectuals - from doctors to journalist to economists to scientists to accurately tell you what is actually going on in the world....

And what's more fundamental to a democratic society than its election process, and people's faith in it....???

There can't be a national debate when there is no common set of facts.

To be fair, this did not start with Trump, but he has been encouraging people to lose their faith : "We will never fix our rigged system by relying on the people who rigged it in the first place. I, alone, can fix it...."

Well, look at the birther movement he started ( btw, not Clinton, unless you are one of the guys I mentioned above); listen to what he said about Climate change as a hoax as recently as last December (Now he denied it, while many of his supporters still believe it...)...

Trump has become a champion of an alternative university - but the casualty is a common public space where we once debate our future....

btw, I really liked the video Paul Ryan put up on his tweeter shows the true color of conservatism....optimisitic, inclusive, forward working.....but by standing up against Trump, it probably has costed his job as speaker of the house....One day, I hope he will become the President of U.S.

老猫Mikesmith 发表评论于
回复 'Norcalfan0' 的评论 : Please
Norcalfan0 发表评论于
Good One. May I post it in Chinese?