学一个词: Toxic (音频文字)




学一个词:  derogatory (音频文字) ZT

今天我们要学的词是 toxic. Toxic 形容词,是有毒的意思。

According to a new report by UNICEF, some 300 million children worldwide are living in areas with toxic levels of air pollution.


New Delhi was shrouded in a toxic fog the morning after the Hindu festival of Diwali when people celebrated by setting off fireworks.


好的,我们今天学习的词是 toxic, toxic, toxic...

Words and Phrases

toxic: 有毒的

UNICEF: 联合国儿童基金会

some 300 million children worldwide: 全球大约三亿儿童

with toxic levels of air pollution: 有毒的空气污染环境下

New Delhi: 新德里

to be shrouded in a toxic fog: 被有毒的雾霾所笼罩

Hindu festival of Diwali: 印度教排灯节

set off fireworks: 放烟花
