歷史:lesser of two evils,靠突發事件而爭任總統,- 劫持公眾的注意和激起他們的情緒,焦慮和憤怒。非民主之福。
喬治·W·布什小布什靠本拉登的視頻 (John Kerry time?) 釋放而多拿963票打敗阿爾·戈爾 - 小布什領導和拖拉美國進行兩場戰爭,崩潰了美國經濟。 現在,我們再次見證了政治腐敗和金錢劫持和洗腦時間的民主崩潰的另一個新興邊緣。 lesser of two evils- that's a game of a roll of dice - 這是一個骰子的遊戲 - 誰知道今次祸福?
难得一笑? Can you?
历史:lesser of two evils, 靠突发事件而争任总统, - hijacking the public attention and stir up their emotion and anxiety and anger. 非民主之福。
George W. Bush 小布什靠本拉登的video type release (John Kerry time?) 而多拿963票打败 Al Gore - led and draged the U.S. to two wars, collapsed the U.S. Economy. Now, we witness again another emerging brink of democratic collapse for political corruption and money-hijacking and brain-washing time. Who knows? Lesser of two evils - that's a game of a roll of dice - 這是一個骰子的遊戲 -
May God bless America.