草根皇帝淳朴(Donald Trump)为民请命,得道成仁,练成正果,即将登基上任,虽说“皇帝”,但这时代的“皇帝”,自然是“草民代言人”。
淳朴当选了。克林顿(Hillary Clinton)也不是没群众基础。
《Tax Policy Center》(The Tax Policy Center aims to be a nonpartisan organization. It has been described in the media as nonpartisan, center-left, left-wing, liberal, and "Democrat-aligned")
《Tax Foundation》(The Tax Foundation describes itself as an "independent tax policy research organization". They are cited in the media as a nonpartisan or bipartisan organization, and are also described as business-friendly or conservative)
The plan would also be a large tax cut, which would increase the federal government’s deficit by over $10 trillion, both on a static and dynamic basis
淳朴三打手金格里奇(Gingrich),克里斯蒂(Christie)及朱利安尼(Giuliani)都有戏,,克里斯蒂悬点儿。亚利桑那以抓难民的县警长Joe Arpaio是内政部长候选人,真是跟民意的体现。
![Sheriff Joe Arpaio's last stand: Why the power-hungry Arizona lawman could finally go down Sheriff Joe Arpaio's last stand: Why the power-hungry Arizona lawman could finally go down](http://media.salon.com/2013/02/joe_arpaio-620x412.jpg)