In 1986, (共和党)President Ronald Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act that gave amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants in the country
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Deportations from the United States increased by more than 60 percent from 2003 to 2008, with Mexicans accounting for nearly two-thirds of those deported.[59] Under the Obama administration, deportations have increased to record levels beyond the level reached by the George W. Bush administration with a projected 400,000 deportations in 2010, 10 percent above the deportation rate of 2008 and 25 percent above 2007.[60] Fiscal year 2011 saw 396,906 deportations, the largest number in the history of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; of those, two thirds had been convicted of crimes, including:[61]
44,653 convicted of "drug-related crimes"
35,927 convicted of driving under the influence
5,848 convicted of sexual offenses
1,119 convicted of homicide
By the end of 2012, as many people had been deported during the first four years of the Obama presidency as were deported during the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush.
选总统实际上也是选内阁,也就是统治团队。希拉里上台会任命现在民主党的里的干将,克林顿圈子里,08圈里的人,符合希拉里理念,风格的人。同样老川会任命他圈子里的符合他理念风格的人,共和党也会推举一些人。这些人的能力,做法,提议会对美国的未来几年有很大影响。 这俩个圈子都会为米国的总体利益努力,目标是一致的。区别是作法和风格不同。例如对于非法移民,希的人会一边宣唱移民赞歌,一边悄悄地半夜进村把非法移民一个一个地抓起来,一个一个不声不响地依法遣返;老川的人会先公开大骂非法移民是强奸,毒贩,抢劫等大罪犯,限时90天自行离境,否则抓起来强行遣返。在某个星期一白天10AM-5PM,搞一个全国统一行动,到处找人抓人,扔到大卡车上大批集体遣返,YOU ARE FIRED!。