仆女宋惠莲的丈夫出差回家, 听西门庆四妻雪娥说西门庆和金莲与自己老婆有蜂蝶情, 酒后醉言要杀西门庆。西门暴打四妻传言。 宋惠莲劝西门庆再派丈夫出差, 眼不见心不烦,又三厢情愿, 丈夫愿跑差,西门愿蜂情,惠莲愿蝶意。 而金莲劝西门庆欲娶惠莲, 先除其夫, 西门庆听谁的?
The maid Song Hui-lian’s husband is back in town, heard from Ximen’s 4th wife, that Ximen and Jin had honey-bee-and-butterfly-party with his wife, he yells to kill Ximen when he is drunk. Ximen beats his 4th wife for spilling the beans. Song Hui-lian persuades Ximen to dispatch her husband out for business again, out-of-sight, out-of-mind, then all of them will be happy. However Jin persuades Ximen, if you want to marry Song Hui-lian, you must kill her husband first. Which witch does Ximen choose?