
瓶儿, 西门庆的第六妻第一个怀孕。 西门庆转向五妻金莲,把金莲两脚带解下,拴其双足,吊在两边葡萄架儿上,金莲花心怒放,西门庆秀丫头春梅春点花蕊,向金莲投玉皇葡萄,一连三个,皆中花心,闹得金莲死去活来。

Ping, Ximen’s 6th wife, is the first getting pregnant. Ximen turns to Jin, his 5th wife, removes the binding from her feet, ties her legs to the grape frame, the petals of her flower open.  Ximen shows Mei, Jin’s maid,  shooting grapes at Jin three times,  all hit the heart of the flower.  Jin is excited and exhausted from playing the game.
