速描《金瓶梅》第 39 回/100

西门庆为给自己看店铺韩道国家买了个四层房,  老韩宁宿绸铺, 愿妻陪玩西门庆朝来暮去。

西门庆虽开药店,儿子却赢弱多病无药可助。为给弱儿许愿, 玉皇庙里“入道不道”的道长赠西门庆精品厚礼,祝西门庆金玉满堂,长命富贵。西门庆的正妻月娘信奉禅言佛法。

Ximen bought a four-story-house for Han,who is Ximen’s silk store keeper. Han prefers to sleep in the store, so that his wife can play with Ximen at home.

Ximen runs for drug store, but the medicine cannot help his fragile son, the Chief Monk from the Jade Temple sends the expensive presents to Ximen, wishing him a long life full of gold and silver in the house. Ximen’s first wife, starts believing the nun’s chanting.

