西门庆官大,业大,家大,女人多。攀不上西门庆妻妾怎么办, 做干女儿。
- 李桂姐是西门庆原包养的歌妓,今来拜西门庆正妻月娘为干娘
- 吴银儿是六妻瓶儿亡夫生前包养的歌妓, 来拜瓶儿为干娘。瓶儿为避嫌金莲讥讽“霸占汉子”,宁愿与干女儿锦帐闺蜜。
昨天丢失的金镯子是西门庆二妻李娇儿的丫头夏花儿偷走的, 西门庆暴打无疑。
Ximen has a bigger public position, bigger business, bigger family, and more women.
What to do if not able to become Ximen’s wife? Be his god daughters.
- Li Gui-jie, whom Ximen owned in the whorehouse, now is the God Daughter of Ximen’s 1st wife.
- Wu Yin-er, whom Ping’s dead husband used to own in the whorehouse, becomes Ping’s God Daughter. Ping prefers to sleep with her God Daughter rather than with her husband Ximen, to avoid being “occupying Ximen” every night in her house.
The one who stole the gold is 2nd wife’s maid. Ximen orders her to be beaten badly.