这几天在耶鲁雅礼家长群喜见募捐的海报视频,很多家长解囊,有些家长更是表示每年都向耶鲁捐了款,使得耶鲁父母捐款的基金以百万美元计算。这使我想到刻在耶鲁建筑物上的一句耶鲁名言:"为上帝,为国家,也为耶鲁"(“For God, for Country and for Yale!”)。我曾在博文中这样注释这句英文:“它说出了耶鲁的宗教渊源,耶鲁学子为美国国家利益服务的精神,同时也寄望于耶鲁毕业生为母校的发展出钱出力”。
制作视频或图片的家长让我致谢时不要提他的名字,但是我还是想透露我们两家的一个共同点:那就是我们的孩子同时是或即将成为耶鲁和华大的学生,这种巧合对于居住在不同州的华裔父母真是少见。视频带给我们温暖的耶鲁校园,附近的三二步就是供学生温习功课和结交终生朋友的咖啡馆,还有紧临的剧院或博物馆,美国前副总统切尼可能在那里泡得太多,学业下滑而被耶鲁劝退了,所以耶鲁学位的含金量在白宫职位上也有差别:毕业了成为总统(小布什),肄业了只有当小布什的副总统。我被告知这背景音乐为耶鲁的校歌:The Bright College Years, 为Yale Glee Club的版本,多谢这位耶鲁家长找到了它的出处。下面为网上该曲的英文版本,歌曲最后以引用 “For God, for Country and for Yale!” 结束。这首歌源于德国征战曲的旋律,在忌讳的二战期间,耶鲁驻巴黎的美国士兵则以它的旋律唱法国国歌《马赛曲》的歌词。
Composed by Carl Wilhelm; (SATB) arr. Robert Bonds ‘71
Bright College years, with pleasure rife,
The shortest, gladdest years of life;
How swiftly are ye gliding by!
Oh, why doth time so quickly fly?
The seasons come, the seasons go,
The earth is green or white with snow,
But time and change shall naught avail
To break the friendships formed at Yale.
In after years, should troubles rise
To cloud the blue of sunny skies,
How bright will seem, through mem’ry’s haze
Those happy, golden, bygone days!
Oh, let us strive that ever we
May let these words our watch-cry be,
Where’er upon life’s sea we sail:
“For God, for Country and for Yale!”
耶鲁Harkness钟楼旁的建筑物上写着:"For God, for Country and for Yale!”("为上帝,为国家,也为耶鲁")。
1011a 发表评论于
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 '1011a' 的评论 : Please see here for the source of my claim: "Some of the graduates seemed to view a Harvard degree as a set of (very golden) handcuffs: Nearly half of those with job offers at graduation went into either consulting or finance.": http://nymag.com/selectall/2016/06/mark-zuckerberg-harvard-2006-reunion.html
你是耶鲁一往深情,是那里毕业的吗?当年竞选时,布什gentleman C 的称号沸沸扬扬,不知chenney 更有新闻。 老布什去北京前是CIA 的头目阿。谢分享,那是一个培养政治人物的地方。
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'Rosaline' 的评论 : Congratulations to your kid. Please see here: "The Yale Whiffenpoofs is a collegiate a cappella singing group. Established at Yale University in 1909, it is the oldest such group in the United States. ": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Whiffenpoofs
Rosaline 发表评论于
我小孩在Harvard Glee club, 刚刚开始今冬的亚洲巡演。不知道 Whiffenpoofs and Harvard Glee , 哪个历史更悠久?