速描<金瓶梅> 第 49 回/100

曾清官被撤职,入狱, 因上报中央西门庆行贿受贿,  蔡太师改革损民。

身居山东的西门庆扩大官场半径,部级礼遇加美女款待陕西宋巡按(检查院长), 和巡盐蔡御史(两淮盐都),西门庆又资助周武官修复香火院。


Official Ceng gets fired and put in jail because he reports Xia and Ximen’s corruption, and disagrees with high ranking Cai’s Seven Reforms.

Ximen, expands the radius of his power connection bigger and wider beyond his province.  He raises the bar entertaining high level people, the Prosecuting Official, the Salt Official, and he helps the Military Officer with the temple renovation.

Fooling around ever night, Ximen obtains from a monk a magic potion to enhance his manhood.


