西门庆与玉楼赏家室花, 与金莲戏后庭花, 与桂姐玩藏春坞,酒友喝彩捧场。
西门庆的女婿陈经济与西门庆老婆潘金莲戏扑蝴蝶, 蜂偷花蕊。
西门庆天天有人送寰宇稀物, 四尾大鲥鱼, 江南一年一遭, 朝廷都没见过, 酒狎客赞吃到牙缝里,剔出来都是香的,连盘倒入袖内, 吃不了兜着走。
Ximen is busy fool around with his 5th wife, 3rd wife and God Daughter.
Ximen’s son-in-law finally gets to kiss Jin in a cave, but interrupted by others.
Ximen receives rare presents, such as the four-tail-fish, even the royal family never serves on the table, Ximen’s guys enjoy the dish, saying it still tastes delicious after picking food out of teeth. They are so full, put the food with dish into their sleeves.