
相当于现在的山东“司法厅副厅长”,西门庆做官经商两不误,已有一药店两个绸店,杭州船货又源源不断, 家仆八十人穿绫着锦, 六房妻妾挂珠戴金, 远亲近友登门借钱, 永福寺长造访募捐, 寺庙尼姑求印法书, 土豪西门庆可真是气势鼎盛。

Ximen has political power and runs business as well, he owns one drug store and two silk stores, he hires 80 servants in house, all in flashy clothes, he has 6 wives, wearing jewels all over their bodies.  Everyone in town borrows money from him.  The Chief of the Forever Lucky Temple, visits Ximen for charity on the temple renovation.  The nuns come to Ximen for donation on the Bible printing.  Ximen is at the top.
