川普在击败了共和党高层之后,继续坚持同样的路线:反非法移民,反自由贸易,反美国的国际义务,同时心安理得地接受普京的帮助,以黑客盗窃的资料和各种耸人听闻的假新闻攻击抹黑对手希拉里,削弱希拉里的支持度。然而,川普自己各种出格犯忌的胡言乱语,比如对俄罗斯独裁者血腥手段的欣赏、呼吁俄罗斯盗窃曝光希拉里的email、对女性的侮辱侵犯、乃至彻头彻尾的谎言,甚至破天荒地拒绝公布自己的税单,却都没有动摇自己阵营支持者的忠心。相反,希拉里方面任何一点瑕疵都被川普阵营当作滔天大罪来夸张渲染。而外界似乎也接受了这样的双重标准。以华人社区里流行的两句话讲,就是“宁要川普真小人,不要希拉里伪君子”,或者“宁选一个疯子,不选一个骗子”。为什么会这样?究其本源,川普选战口号“Make America Great Again",用他自己的话来解释就是要赢,这符合了许多共和党人的心态,他们觉得自己一方这些年来一直在输,输给奥巴马、输给黑人、输给非法移民、输给伊斯兰主义、输给中国,所以他们要的是胜利,而不在乎真相、道义、原则,等等。而希拉里方面必须坚守现有的道德标准,所以要承担更大的道义上的负担。
智商(Intelligence quotient)是人类的遗传属性,低智商与犯罪贫穷呈正相关。由于政治不正确,受O8政权强烈打压。该领域著名学者有Richard Lynn(理查德·林恩,1930-)(4),John Philippe Rushton(菲利普.拉什顿,1943-2012)(5)等。
2,《The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life》(钟形曲线) in 1994 by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray
4,Lynn, Richard; Vanhanen, Tatu (2002). IQ and the wealth of nations(《智商与国民财富》). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. ISBN 9780275975104.
5,J. Philippe Rushton(1995, 1997, 2000). Race, Evolution, and Behavior(《人种、进化、与行为》): A Life History Perspective.
I am afraid most, if not all, of these claims are false.
1. Ms. Clinton broke no law. That is why she was not indicted. Mr. Stevens did not die because of Ms. Clinton was supposedly "leaking classified information." Both allegations are completely and utterly fake.
2. No democratic procedures were violated in the democratic primary. Voters compared the two and voted for Ms. Clinton. She won, 55.2% v. 43.1%.
3. How did Ms. Clinton "lie"? I hope you understand the difference between that and having bad information.
And, speaking of "lying," would you care to comment on this?
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ7_bo74VMA
4. Yes, Ms. Clinton did not hold as many rallies as Mr. Trump did. However, it is absurd to say that the Russian hacking had no effect on her campaign. The notion of there being "scandals" resulted in votes lost for her (even though there is little to no real "scandal" that were actually uncovered, if one actually reviews them carefully).
It is more concerning that you have not been able to distill truth from fantasy, and fell victim to false and fake information (like the ones you listed above). The fact that you are still clinging on to the many already-debunked claims to this day is troubling.
That, is the bigger problem to the American democracy in my opinion.