不要和消耗你的人做朋友"Que Sera Sera"
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Why did I use this title? That's because I read this post last night, getting me think abuot bloggers and their real life:
1029968 | 您選擇如何對待科學網上刻薄刁鑽的博客留言 | 李娜 | 637 | 15 | 01-25 |
Why bother to write blog posts? to get insulted? Not really. It's "Que Sera Sera" - you do what your fate leads you to do - that's what you're made of - writing is essential to you.
[轉載]Humphrey Bogart-QueSeraSera闕色拉寺色拉
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I like the silver screen era - Humphrey Bogart, a real man figure of my favorite through the years. One of his movies was with this song, Que Sera Sera. A simple melody, but with an insightful message. I like the story of Bogart and his wife: Bogart met Lauren Bacall while filming To Have a ...
您選擇如何對待科學網上刻薄刁鑽的博客留言 Those make insulting comments, reflecting their own Que Sera Sera - they do what their fate leads they do - that's what they're made of - spreading anger is essential to them. That's their life. What's life?
Life comes with driving force - such force nobody can control sometimes. Ain't you think so? What can you do about bad comments on your posts?
Nothing? They do what they do - they don't know what they're doing - their fate.
I thought about this topic for a while, but didn't get the grip to write down my thought - frustrating! I've been skimming headlines, tumbled down on this. Well, as usual, save in my collection first, then I'll sort it out later. Why is that?
Some hints below: These lines make me feel philosophical, but too idealistic, too classy, to find in your real life - as life is mixture. So, going on life, you gotta set some goals for yourself at the start of the college: to make friends of your peers and then, at some point in your career, go one step further and reach your life time grand finale - get married, settled down.
" 不要跟讓你智商變低的人做朋友,因為她會讓你為了合群而變得平庸,告訴你世事艱難,讓你為了小世界的安全而放棄出外闖蕩。
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PS: Postscript
A common problem with many Chinese Language websites
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For new readers and those who request to be “好友good friends” please read my 公告欄 first
In re-reading some of my older blog articles, I have found the following problem with many Chinese language websites. When my article gave reference to material associated with my article, e.g., a website, the Chinese website do not archive old news reports. Instead one finds the website referenced has new stories featured that has nothing to do with my article. The old article referenced by me has disappeared and nowhere to be found. There is nothing I can do about this. On the other hand, international news sites such as CNN or NY Times has a distinct reference for each page of content featured. Reader can always see it even if the content is ten years old. I hope ScienceNet reader and the general public can urge these Chinese websites to change their practice. After all, these days computer memory to a first approximation cost nothing.
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