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"写流水账不难,不过写诗则需要情感的积淀和爆发,所以我欣赏用真情写诗的人。" http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-847277-971792.html
"I surfer. I read. I think. I write. All of these sharpen my thought, steering my mind to clarity." That's my way to live, to work, to breathe." That's me - me I know it's me - my niche on Earth, my mission, my gift from God - I gotta make good use of such heckuva drive to write, a fabric of my thought - gone forever if I don't write down. Jot down some random thought of this moment.
寂寞 is the battery to power me up for doing something beyond who I'm reaching around physically - let my thought fly up to sky, traveling the globe via my blog posts - God's inspiration! 寂寞 drives me to surfer, to search, to read, to think, to write. Thus, I embrace 寂寞, my prayers alone in alone space, hideout. 寂寞 is essential to my life.
I thought like car: 寂寞 is like idle speed control (***) actuator, essential for engin to run continiously - no idle speed control, you don't have engine. Period. So, give yourself permission to do-nothing time - let your mind wonder or marvel by walking around - let the nature of your brain take its course - Bingo, creativity pops out!
~~~~~~~~~ Fabric of my thought: Reading ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
yuanfang20122012-09-20 11:44:29 "我倒是觉得你驾驭文字的能力远远超过我这个文科人。
(I went back to check. That's now: "对不起, 您所访问的博客不存在或已被博主关闭! ". Sad! Some insightful readers showed their kindness - I didn't get chance to say "thank-you!"
Reading some old posts, I rediscovered above comments from a reader I've never met. That's triggered by reading the following posts this morning (references). Some say "don't you have better things to do?"
"I read. I think. I write. All of these sharpen my thought, steering my mind to clarity." That's my way to live, to work, to breathe." That's me - me I know it's me - my niche on Earth, my mission, my gift from God - I gotta make good use of such heckuva drive to write. 寂寞 is the battery to power me up for doing something beyond who I'm reaching around physically - let my thought fly up to sky, traveling the globe via my blog posts - God's inspiration!
I thought below speaks my mind:
~~~~~~~~~~ References~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
永远去不成的音乐会 2016 年最后一个工作日的下午,手术室已略显冷清。这是我在脊柱肿瘤组的最后一天,手术很艰苦,教授完成关键步骤已经下午 2 点,我 ...
仍然是当年闪闪的眼光,和清澈的心灵 Having worked with neurosurgeons, I've been shocked in admiring their ethics: How long they gotta work, how intensi ...
最熟悉的人,是未曾谋面的你 有人说这里是茶馆,悠闲来品茶,随意、轻松聊几句…… 也人说这里是公园,休闲来逛逛,散散步、看看风景…… 还有 ...
只留由衷的留言,没有由衷 ..."举报 [16]骆佳良 郁郁不得志的时候,怀才不遇的时候,壮志难酬的时候,古人写诗歌,今人写博客。
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举报 [7]刘立 写博客,写微信,都是一种生活方式博主回复(2017-1-6 04:54):
上一篇:百年来中国第一好玩的人? 自有灵性
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