3。“也凑个热闹。中文姓名顺序到了美国反过来念。ESL课堂上老师叫名字也是好笑,唐彬成了“冰糖”,傅斌成“冰壶”。女生的名字“苏桃”,中文有韵味,叫出了成“桃酥”了。还有好多好笑的,记不起来了。刚来时,对中国人最难的是“he" or "she". 妇产科只有女病人,查房时累的睁不眼时,一张口he就出来了。我的一哥儿们轮转到妇产科,汇报病历满嘴he, attending 妈的,那来的he。前不久有一个病人叫何蔓,产房护士开玩笑:Dr. Shi had a patient "he, man". 不少美国人尝试学我的正确发音,很难,多数发成“shi", "shy ". 但是没有碰到过因为我的姓受歧视的。虽然说着broken English, 活儿干的好加人nice,绝大多数美国人还是尊重你的。”
4。“同样的故事,我有两个朋友在同一个公司,一个姓贺,一个姓时,每次来电话,receptionist都得问,who do you want? He or She? ”
5。“我LG有个同学first name是Qing,他说有人叫他King,有人叫他Queen。”
6。“我的故事 刚来美国时去老公教授家晚餐,他们都叫我She,我的诗shi就这样被本土化了。结果教授七八岁的小儿子好奇地问,you are she, do your husband name he? 激动之下,我只好给自己取了一英文名”
czhz 发表评论于
雅美之途 2017-01-29 21:46:10 回复 '木兰和多拉' 的评论 : Please pay attention to my sort of conclusive sentence
不pay attention 的正是你自己,or you paid, but not capable of understanding, 以至于所有回复都是在“自说自话” ,完全无视网友的points。
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 '木兰和多拉' 的评论 : Please pay attention to my sort of conclusive sentence as I pointed out the pros and cons of Pinyin: "周有光的拼音对扫盲有功,对统治阶级控制民众有功,但是在对外交流上确实是个灾难。". You can label whatever you want but unfortunately this is what I believed after analyzing so many examples listed in this article and more in real life.
czhz 发表评论于
木兰和多拉 2017-01-29 21:08:25 nothing but some anecdotes and personal biases,
I think they are personal misunderstandings, not personal biases. The whole article was built up on his misunderstanding.
木兰和多拉 发表评论于
回复 '雅美之途' 的评论 : Pinyin didn't create any problems for the Chinese to "communicate" with speakers of other languages. Pinyin may have created "problems" for speakers of other languages to pronounce Chinese words correctly. Then what? Isn't it perfectly normal for people to mispronounce sounds in other languages that don't exist in their own? When you can't pronounce sounds in other languages correctly, can you blame the other languages and say that those sounds are "mistakes" that don't fit your tongue? Again, all the examples that you call "mistakes" are "differences", not "mistakes". When you label them as "mistakes", you assume the English way is always the correct way. I didn't expect you to get the racist (or to coin a word "languagist") analogy here or to see my points. All I wanted to say is just that what you shared about pinyin is nothing but some anecdotes and personal biases, which are not to be taken seriously as linguistic evidence for attacking the so called "flawed" pinyin system.
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 '木兰和多拉' 的评论 : I don't buy your arguments at all. Pinyin has created a problem for Chinese to communicate with the outside world. That is a simple fact that you select to be ignored. As I said inside the article that Pinyin could be a simple technical mistake, how could you bring our conversations into such a high ground by labeling them as racist viewpoints? In many ways, you just would like to shut down all of the debates by living in such a political correct world you intentionally created.
木兰和多拉 发表评论于
回复 '雅美之途' 的评论 : None of the examples you cited in your article is evidence of "flaws" in the pinyin system. Instead, the only thing they show is the differences between two different pronunciation systems. It's ridiculous and senseless to claim that one system is flawed because it is different from another. The whole assumption behind your critique of pinyin is that the English pronunciation system is the only norm among all languages in the world. This is about as racist as claiming that the white culture is the only "standard" culture and any culture that is different from the white culture is "flawed" and substandard. Of course, you are an observer and are entitled to make any observation you would like to. Unfortunately, the observations you made about pinyin in your article are nothing but personal biases.
雅美之途 发表评论于 2017-01-27 12:03:47 回复 'czhz' 的评论 : Your interpretation on his words is complicated: “文字学和语言学我是业余搞的,这不是我的真正的专业,我是外行,不行的!”。
对你,这很complicated,因为你可能连“谦辞” “自谦” 都没不懂。
czhz 发表评论于
雅美之途 发表评论于 2017-01-27 09:14:21 回复 'czhz' 的评论 : You simply don't want to recognize those pinyin related awkward experiences described in the article.
我说此文错到了没有一句话能立得住,因为对拼音的历史,制定过程,性质及目的全是错误的。比如“拼音从一开始就是政治的产物,始于1952年毛泽东在苏联向斯大林的取经,回来就搞汉语字母化。” 简直就是臆想,明明是五四新文化运动后,有识之士一惯的努力。有苏联的影响,主要是有人想媚苏,建议用俄文字母,结果被周有光等人坚决顶了回去。明明是自己学不会拼音,说不好汉语,不好好检讨,反而拿几个说不好中文的美国人来乱评,毫无逻辑。这科学家是怎么当的?
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : Your interpretation on his words is complicated: “文字学和语言学我是业余搞的,这不是我的真正的专业,我是外行,不行的!”。
czhz 发表评论于
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : I just cited his own words which I understood pretty well.
你仅仅是识字,并不understand意思和语境。按你的中文水平,我甚至怀疑你会把“犬子”之类的谦辞理解成我家“狗的儿子”。胡愈之长周有光整10岁 (1896 vs 1906),而且是中国最早研究世界语和汉字拉丁注音的人,在中国文化里,周有光会在他面前称内行,专家吗?只有那些没读过多少书的人才会这样,因为他们根本不知道有“谦辞”的存在。
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : You simply don't want to recognize those pinyin related awkward experiences described in the article. For the purpose of communications with outside world of China, Pinyin is a flawed system. That is my opinion which I respectfully disagreed with you!
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : I just cited his own words which I understood pretty well.