对长期投资的一些思考 - 九

在老巴买入华盛顿邮报后,华报的股价下跌了50%,并且徘徊了一二年。在老巴买入可口可乐后,股价下跌了20%,并且徘徊了好几个月。老巴入股BAC银行后,股价又掉了50%,入股GE, 也差不多。买入IBM,IBM掉了20-30%,买入Apple, 消息出来立马股价掉了10%。长期以来,凡是老巴买入的股票,都会有比较大的跌幅是一个市场惯例。


大规模资金投资和普通个人投资者是有非常大的区别的,大规模资金是绝对没有可能买到最低价或次低价,也是绝对没有可能卖在最高价或次高价的。老巴:Size does matter.


Right from day one in the partnership, against his dad's and Graham's advice not to get into stocks, he displays independence and disregard for market views, even from people he respects. This is not the beginning of a career of a market timer.

Buffett started the partnership in 1956.  At the time, both Buffett's father and Benjamin Graham advised him not to get into the stock market as it is overvalued having reached a new post 1929-crash high.  The late 1950's was around the time that dividend yields went below bond yields for the first time since at least 1871.   Stocks were thought of as risky so dividend yields were always higher than bond yields, and when this flipped over, many thought that stocks were overvalued and that stock dividend yields will inevitably get back above bond yields again.  Never mind that they were right; it finally did so in the late 2000's (time for those folks that got out of stocks in 1957 to get back in!).

Warren Buffett 1998 Talk at University of Florida

“I don’t want to buy into any business that I’m not terribly sure of. So if I’m terribly sure of it, it probably isn’t going to offer incredible returns. Why should something that is essentially a cinch to do well offer you 40% a year or something like that? So we don’t have huge returns in mind. But we do have in mind never losing anything.”


有人说TD银行从11年开始的市场回报与SP500相比很普通,说明投资TD银行的投资者只是个Average Investor.

What's wrong with to become a millionaire by being a long term average investor?







这是一Average Person可以在股市中得到的一个Average Investor的投资机会。


